endemecio02 / node-red-contrib-httpauth

Node-RED node for HTTP Basic/Digest Auth
GNU General Public License v2.0
8 stars 12 forks source link

Warning / Catch / Status when request is unauthorised #7

Open guilhermesbrito opened 5 years ago

guilhermesbrito commented 5 years ago


Currently, when a certain request is Unauthorised, we only get that information on the client side (using HTTP request node). On the server side, for now is impossible to catch that information, since the HttpAuth node is not informing in any way that a request was blocked. Is it possible to add some error msg, or node status change so this information can be catch??

Thank you in advance Guilherme

Alkarex commented 9 months ago

Hello, Long time, but if any of you is still around, I am merging several nodes and their forks and some of their pending PRs into one.

@gbrito Implemented in https://github.com/alexandrainst/node-red-http-basic-auth/pull/3 and feedback welcome.

New node: https://flows.nodered.org/node/@alexandrainst/node-red-http-basic-auth