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theory/adject-clarity-five-integral-c-words-of-maximally-useful-product-specification-for-teams/ #55

Open utterances-bot opened 5 years ago

utterances-bot commented 5 years ago

Adject Clarity: Five Integral C-Words of Maximally Useful Product Specification for Teams | Endian

Holistic technical solutions from first principles to world domination.


adrianduke commented 5 years ago

We're currently debating internally the existence of another 2 C's:

Chronological This is more of a clarification on current, there are 2 aspects we want to represent, one is that you are to use the current version whilst implementing, the other is that there are chronological versions of a specification to the current e.g. given a spec that has changed over time, I want to be viewing the current but able to review all prior versions. You'd want to review prior versions to infer reasoning, evolution, see differences or recover removed aspects, its for the same reasons you'd use a version control system on a codebase.

Constrained As alluded to in the paper, a useful specification should be constrained by the real world for it to have real world value. Whilst not technically part of the specification, it should be part of the process in creating one.