endigo / flutter_pdfview

PDF view for Flutter
MIT License
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Flashing when load the pdf #40

Open klaszlo8207 opened 4 years ago

klaszlo8207 commented 4 years ago

I am using a Transition widget to animate the pdf widget,

But there is a lagg and a flashing between my animations, when the library load my pdf.

Any way to handle/remove that flashing?

binSaed commented 4 years ago

Hi @klaszlo8207 I think u can make workaround like wrapping pdfWidget with FutureBuilder and set future: Future.Delayed(const Duration(timeOfAnimation) ); and when done return Pdf();

myselfuser1 commented 1 year ago

This will help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAUVz0U7eyA