endjin / Z3.Linq

LINQ bindings for the Z3 theorem prover from Microsoft Research.
MIT License
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Cannot use expressions in place of variables #36

Open VelizarHristov opened 6 months ago

VelizarHristov commented 6 months ago

I have this code:

using Z3.Linq;

namespace AdventOfCode2023
    internal class D24_2
        // Relies on using an equation solver (not included)
        public static void Run()
            var items = File.ReadLines("inputs/24").Take(3).Select(line =>
                var parts = line.Split(" @ ");
                var pos = parts[0].Split(", ").Select(long.Parse).ToList();
                var vel = parts[1].Split(", ").Select(int.Parse).ToList();
                return (pos, vel);
            // If I inline any of these, the code crashes.
            long x1 = items[0].pos[0];
            long x2 = items[1].pos[0];
            long x3 = items[2].pos[0];
            long y1 = items[0].pos[1];
            long y2 = items[1].pos[1];
            long y3 = items[2].pos[1];
            long z1 = items[0].pos[2];
            long z2 = items[1].pos[2];
            long z3 = items[2].pos[2];
            long dx1 = items[0].vel[0];
            long dx2 = items[1].vel[0];
            long dx3 = items[2].vel[0];
            long dy1 = items[0].vel[1];
            long dy2 = items[1].vel[1];
            long dy3 = items[2].vel[1];
            long dz1 = items[0].vel[2];
            long dz2 = items[1].vel[2];
            long dz3 = items[2].vel[2];
            var theorem = from t in new Z3Context().NewTheorem<(long x, long y, long z,
                                                                long dx, long dy, long dz,
                                                                long t1, long t2, long t3)>()
                          where t.x + t.dx * t.t1 == items[0].pos[0] + dx1 * t.t1
                          where t.y + t.dy * t.t1 == y1 + dy1 * t.t1
                          where t.z + t.dz * t.t1 == z1 + dz1 * t.t1
                          where t.x + t.dx * t.t2 == x2 + dx2 * t.t2
                          where t.y + t.dy * t.t2 == y2 + dy2 * t.t2
                          where t.z + t.dz * t.t2 == z2 + dz2 * t.t2
                          where t.x + t.dx * t.t3 == x3 + dx3 * t.t3
                          where t.y + t.dy * t.t3 == y3 + dy3 * t.t3
                          where t.z + t.dz * t.t3 == z3 + dz3 * t.t3
                          select t;
            var (x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, t1, t2, t3) = theorem.Solve();
            long res = x + y + z;

Note that on line 39, instead of directly using x1, I have inlined it - this makes the entire program crash - I'm having to declare x1 and reference it directly, only then it works.

That is not ideal because in my case I'm having to declare 18 additional variables.

This is the stack trace: Unhandled exception. System.NotSupportedException: Unknown parameter encountered: Item1. at Z3.Linq.ExpressionVisitor.VisitMember(Context context, Environment environment, MemberExpression member, ParameterExpression param) at Z3.Linq.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(Context context, Environment environment, Expression expression, ParameterExpression param) at Z3.Linq.ExpressionVisitor.VisitIndex(Context context, Environment environment, IndexExpression expression, ParameterExpression param, Func4 ctor) at Z3.Linq.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(Context context, Environment environment, Expression expression, ParameterExpression param) at Z3.Linq.ExpressionVisitor.VisitCall(Context context, Environment environment, MethodCallExpression call, ParameterExpression param) at Z3.Linq.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(Context context, Environment environment, Expression expression, ParameterExpression param) at Z3.Linq.ExpressionVisitor.VisitBinary(Context context, Environment environment, BinaryExpression expression, ParameterExpression param, Func4 ctor) at Z3.Linq.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(Context context, Environment environment, Expression expression, ParameterExpression param) at Z3.Linq.ExpressionVisitor.VisitBinary(Context context, Environment environment, BinaryExpression expression, ParameterExpression param, Func4 ctor) at Z3.Linq.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(Context context, Environment environment, Expression expression, ParameterExpression param) at Z3.Linq.Theorem.AssertConstraints[T](Context context, Z3Object approach, Environment environment) at Z3.Linq.Theorem.Solve[T]() at Z3.Linq.Theorem1.Solve() at AdventOfCode2023.D24_2.Run() in F:\VSProjects\AdventOfCode2023\D24_2.cs:line 49 at Program.

$(String[] args) in F:\VSProjects\AdventOfCode2023\Main.cs:line 3

If you wish to run this on your machine, then for example input, either go to adventofcode.com and download the file for problem 24, or write a file with 3 lines which look like this: 0, 0, 0 @ 0, 0, 0, can be three copies of that line. if you write your own input file then the code will run, and while there will be no solution to the equation, it shouldn't matter for the purposes of reproducing this bug. The input file from adventofcode.com will have a solution to the equation.