endless-network / DragonsApprentice_Binary

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Game performance issues. #4

Open mrbid opened 4 months ago

mrbid commented 4 months ago

I saw this game Dragons Apprentice for free on flathub, I would just like to point out that even on the lowest graphic setting the performance is very bad. I am using an RX 6600 and for a game of this calibre and visual appearance it should not be performing this badly.

My main concern is that when I check the website for Endless Network the mission statement seems to suggest that Endless Network would like to use games to help children learn, the problem is I don't think any children would have access to laptops that can run these games at a playable frame rate if my desktop computer with an RX 6600 can't run them at a playable frame rate.

TerminalTwo seems to operate the Discord for these games with seemingly no moderation as a dangerous spam message of an adult nature has been left visible in a chat since April 22nd it is now May 21st, since the Discord is essentially for a game company that targets games at children this is not really a great look.

I can offer one piece of advice though that may help improve the Unity games you are producing, albeit novice advice most novice developers should already know, and that is in Dragons Apprentice there is a lot of Z-Order fighting.

Here is an example of some Z-Order fighting at the beginning of the game: https://github.com/endless-network/DragonsApprentice_Binary/assets/78346668/316f4b58-221e-4898-a675-f348b7b83bcc

This is quite easy to solve by adjusting the near and far planes of the projection matrix, you want to reduce the distance between the near and far plane so that the Z-Order gets more resolution, for example a near plane of 0.1 and a far plane of 100 or a near plane of 0.1 and a far plane of 100 depending on the scale of your assets. If you make the near plane too small the distance between them increases lowering the resolution of the depth buffer. You can also increase the depth buffer from 24 bit to 32 bit but this should be a last resort over adjusting near and far planes.

I hope that Endless Network can improve the quality of games that they are producing and putting onto Linux games markets, they seem like they could be good games if made correctly and efficiently by programmers who understand rendering and graphics programming.

wjt commented 4 months ago

Thank you for the feedback – I have passed this on to the relevant team.

wjt commented 2 months ago

TerminalTwo seems to operate the Discord for these games with seemingly no moderation as a dangerous spam message of an adult nature has been left visible in a chat since April 22nd it is now May 21st, since the Discord is essentially for a game company that targets games at children this is not really a great look.

Thanks again for reporting this. The Terminal Two Discord has now been shut down in favour of the actively-moderated Endless Studios discord.