endojs / Jessie

Tiny subset of JavaScript for ocap-safe universal mobile code
Apache License 2.0
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how can es-strict be D and S, and TinySES be A and T? #35

Closed dominictarr closed 2 years ago

dominictarr commented 4 years ago

in the readme some very interesting definitions of subset classis is given:

it seems apparent that Transpiled is a broader subset than Absorbed, and that Dynamic is a boarder set than Static. So if something is Aborbed, there is no need for it to be Transpiled, and if something is a Static subset then it's not Dynamic.

so should JSON <SA Jessie <DAT TinySES <SA SES <DA ES-strict <SDA EcmaScript really be JSON <SA Jessie <DA TinySES <SA SES <DA ES-strict <DA EcmaScript? or are you saying that some programs in the language and S but other are D?