After playing a bit with vanilla JS to explore how to defend against code accessing (()=>{}).constructor and (async()=>{}).constructor and learned about Object.defineProperty not being able to change writable for async functions to true, but Object.defineProperties can, i manage to prevent code from access.
Anyway, I do think it would be cool to have access to Function and AsyncFunction in sandboxed code without access to the real global object, hence the feature request for:
If it’s a bridge too far to add a per-compartment AsyncFunction, we could provide compartment.AsyncFunction and give the holder to option to endow that onto the Compartment.
After playing a bit with vanilla JS to explore how to defend against code accessing
and learned about Object.defineProperty not being able to change writable for async functions to true, but Object.defineProperties can, i manage to prevent code from access.Anyway, I do think it would be cool to have access to
in sandboxed code without access to the real global object, hence the feature request for:compartment.globalThis.AsyncFunction
cheers :-)