A medium severity infra vulnerability has been discovered.
Infra Group: test2,test79 - test
Scanner Name: rapid7infra
Target: : 443
Service: HTTPS
Exploitable: false
Protocol: tcp
Proof: Successfully connected over TLSv1.1
Tool Description: The PCI (Payment Card Industry) Data Security Standard requires a minimum of TLS v1.1 and recommends TLS v1.2. In addition, FIPS 140-2 standard requires a minimum of TLS v1.1 and recommends TLS v1.2..
CVSS2 score: 2.600000
Service Name:
Service Name: HTTPS
Port: 443
Protocol: tcp
Proof: Successfully connected over TLSv1.1
A medium severity infra vulnerability has been discovered.
Infra Group: test2,test79 - test
Scanner Name: rapid7infra
Target: : 443
Service: HTTPS
Exploitable: false
Protocol: tcp
Tool Description: The PCI (Payment Card Industry) Data Security Standard requires a minimum of TLS v1.1 and recommends TLS v1.2. In addition, FIPS 140-2 standard requires a minimum of TLS v1.1 and recommends TLS v1.2.. CVSS2 score: 2.600000 Service Name: Port: Protocol: Proof: Service Name: HTTPS Port: 443 Protocol: tcp Proof: Successfully connected over TLSv1.1
Kondukto Link: https://9a4f-104-155-30-65.ngrok-free.app/projects/6703db4e0fadccdc7e5dfc4c/vulns/infra?page=1&perPage=15&id=in:672b22085460e6a3b6582eae Deeplink: