enen92 / script.tubecast

A castv1 implementation for Kodi and Youtube
MIT License
108 stars 31 forks source link

Probable typo s/dail/dial/ #48

Open phhusson opened 4 years ago

phhusson commented 4 years ago


(I just found this by googling some ssdp/dial code, I don't know if this has any impact on anything)

prahal commented 5 months ago

Interesting but from a first search it seems not only would "dail" be "dial" but device:daily:1 would be service:dial:1.

But from the context of the Tubecast code and https://orange-opensource.github.io/OCast-Java/reference/org/ocast/discovery/DialDevice.html, I conclude that the issue is not a typo but that device:dail should be replaced by device:tvdevice, that is:


__device__ = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<root xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0" xmlns:r="urn:restful-tv-org:schemas:upnp-dd">
    <URLBase>{{ path }}</URLBase>
        <friendlyName>{{ friendlyName }}</friendlyName>
        <UDN>uuid:{{ uuid }}</UDN>


__device__ = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<root xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0" xmlns:r="urn:restful-tv-org:schemas:upnp-dd">
    <URLBase>{{ path }}</URLBase>
        <friendlyName>{{ friendlyName }}</friendlyName>
        <UDN>uuid:{{ uuid }}</UDN>