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MSP430. String problem #219

Closed C-In-OFF closed 11 years ago

C-In-OFF commented 11 years ago

// IDE ENERGIA 0101E0009 + MSP430G4252

String stringOne; String stringTwo;

void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); stringOne = String("0123456789ABCD"); //stringOne = String("0123456789ABCDE"); // <--- Point "A" stringTwo = String("XYZ"); Serial.println("\n\n***Test******"); }

void loop() { stringOne += 123; stringTwo = stringOne + 123; Serial.println(stringOne); Serial.println(stringTwo); // <--- Point "B" Serial.println(stringTwo.length()); // <--- Point "C" Serial.println("End"); while(true); }

If [stringOne] add 1 symbol (look Point "A"), than script do not work. (look Point "B" & "C") [stringTwo] will be = NULL !!! Why?

P.S. this is part of Base Energia Example "StringAdditionOperator"

rei-vilo commented 11 years ago

How can you add an integer or unspecified 123 to a string stringOne?

The example may come from the Arduino IDE and MSP430 tool-chain may be more strict than AVR one.

For topics like it, the forum might be a better place. See http://forum.43oh.com/forum/28-energia/

C-In-OFF commented 11 years ago

No No No!

This is real problem. Look at this:

String stringOne; String stringTwo; String stringTree;

void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); stringOne = String("0123456789ABCD"); //stringOne = String("0123456789ABCDE"); // <--- Point "A" stringTwo = String("XYZ"); stringTree = String("ZYX"); Serial.println("\n\n***Test******"); }

void loop() { stringOne += stringTwo; stringTwo = stringOne + stringTree; Serial.println(stringOne); Serial.println(stringTwo); // <--- Point "B" Serial.println(stringTwo.length()); // <--- Point "C" Serial.println("End"); while(true); }

If [stringOne] add 1 symbol (look Point "A"), than script do not work. (look Point "B" & "C") [stringTwo] will be = NULL !!! Why?

rei-vilo commented 11 years ago

Please read the specification sheet of the MSP430G2452 available at http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/msp430g2112.pdf

The MSP430G2452 features 256 bytes only of RAM.

The String object you're using wastes a lot of memory so you're running out of memory.

Use instead the char array as described at http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/String or use a MCU with more RAM as the MSP430G2553.


Have you posted your question there? I haven't seen any post about that topic.

So I close this issue just like #220 and I ask you not to open another one. Thank you.