energia / Energia

Fork of Arduino for the Texas Instruments LaunchPad's
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multiple definition of "__isr_" #380

Open dberenguer opened 10 years ago

dberenguer commented 10 years ago

Processor: CC430F5137 Copiler : mspgcc

Unlike Arduino, Energia doesn't allow the same ISR to be defined in different places. This is a real problem since core functions make extensive use of timers for example. This means that these timers can not be used from user sketch with interrupts.

In my case I was using TIMER1_A0_VECTOR in a custom sketch to manage some timings but after upgrading from the latest sources, I've found that this vector is already used in wiring_analog.c

spirilis commented 10 years ago

Yep this is all thanks to my new analogWrite code lol... @robertinant is presently trying to chase down a solution.