energia / Energia

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java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: scrollCount and interval must be greater than 0 #558

Closed spirilis closed 8 years ago

spirilis commented 9 years ago

So for some odd reason, my Energia 14 install just magically started crashing on startup throwing this error. It seems (as of this afternoon) anytime I have local libraries installed this error happens, and I'm not sure why e.g. it wasn't happening this morning but it's happening 100% of the time now, even with a fresh reinstall of Energia. I tried a reboot for kicks too, didn't help.

Full trace:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: scrollCount and interval must be greater than 0
    at processing.app.tools.MenuScroller.<init>(MenuScroller.java:310)
    at processing.app.tools.MenuScroller.<init>(MenuScroller.java:283)
    at processing.app.tools.MenuScroller.setScrollerFor(MenuScroller.java:166)
    at processing.app.Editor.rebuildExamplesMenu(Editor.java:632)
    at processing.app.Editor.buildFileMenu(Editor.java:513)
    at processing.app.Editor.buildMenuBar(Editor.java:475)
    at processing.app.Editor.<init>(Editor.java:206)
    at processing.app.Base.handleOpen(Base.java:768)
    at processing.app.Base.handleOpen(Base.java:733)
    at processing.app.Base.handleNew(Base.java:584)
    at processing.app.Base.<init>(Base.java:321)
    at processing.app.Base.main(Base.java:201)

However, addressing the basic error, I am puzzled why app/src/processing/app/Editor.java line 632 has:


When that function clearly disallows scrollCount and intervals <= 0, per line ~310ish of tools/MenuScroller.java:

  public MenuScroller(JPopupMenu menu, int scrollCount, int interval,
          int topFixedCount, int bottomFixedCount) {

    if(scrollCount == -1)
        scrollCount = getMaximumItems()-topFixedCount-bottomFixedCount; // Autosize

    if(interval == -1)
        interval = 150; // Default value

    if (scrollCount <= 0 || interval <= 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("scrollCount and interval must be greater than 0");

Is there any good reason why Energia is running rebuildExamplesMenu now vs. not doing it this morning (I'm assuming that's the case here), and why is it calling the MenuScroller with such invalid parameters?

What's even more bizarre is I haven't added any libraries recently!

spirilis commented 9 years ago

FYI, my Energia 13 install starts correctly.

This is on Fedora 19 64-bit Linux.

spirilis commented 9 years ago

Ok, after editing ~/.energia/preferences.txt and changing:

board from lpmsp430g2231 to lptm4c1230c3pm and target from msp430 to lm4f

I can start Energia again with stuff inside my libraries/ local folder. I might not have actually tried using MSP430 stuff with Energia 14 until just yesterday.

spirilis commented 9 years ago

Sure enough, I can start Energia with preferences.txt pointing to the Tiva, then switch to MSP430F5529 and do a compile.

But after exiting Energia and restarting, I get those Java exceptions again and no GUI (terminal used to start energia just hangs until I CTRL-C it.)

@robertinant @rei-vilo Can either of you confirm this behavior? Would be interesting to see if it happens under OSX too.

To test: Switch your "Board" type to one of the MSP430 platforms Make sure your local libraries/ folder has some libraries in it. Stop Energia, and re-start it from a terminal window. See if it kicks back some Java errors.

robertinant commented 9 years ago

I have seen this as well. I will look into finding a way to reliably reproduce it so that I can debug it. rebuildExamplesMenu should run everytime you change board. This is so that the examples and library menu's get populated with board specific library examples.

spirilis commented 9 years ago

Goofy test-

cd energia-0101E0014/hardware/msp430/libraries (back up the libraries folder for kicks)

find . -name examples -exec rm -Rf {} \;

Deletes all examples from all "stock" libraries that ship with energia... And then it runs fine.

spirilis commented 9 years ago

Restoring the libraries folder, then deleting the examples/ subfolder one by one, attempting to start Energia in another terminal window...

[ebrundic@spock libraries]$ for i in * ; do
> echo $i -
> rm -Rf ${i}/examples
> read BLAH
> done
Adafruit_TMP006 -

AIR430BoostEuropeETSI -


aJson -

Boom, after the fourth library folder's examples subfolder is deleted, Energia starts correctly. Suspecting maybe aJson is messing it up, I restored the libraries folder and then deleted aJson/examples by itself. Energia wouldn't start.

So I restored it again, and this time deleted four library folders' worth of examples - aJson/examples, AIR430BoostUSAFCC/examples (still wouldn't start), AIR430BoostEuropeETSI/examples (still wouldn't start), then rather than repeat the first test, I selected the next one in the list - CogLCD/examples. Then Energia started.

I suspect maybe there's a limit on the maximum # of library folders allowed to have examples? I tried deleting the examples/ folder for one of my local ~/Documents/Energia/libraries library folders, then re-tested my stock msp430/libraries deletion example but it didn't seem to change. The problem disappeared after 4 libraries' examples subfolder was deleted.

spirilis commented 9 years ago

Also instead of deleting examples subfolders from built-in libraries at the top of the alphabetic list, I tried from the bottom:

[ebrundic@spock libraries]$ ls
Adafruit_TMP006        AIR430BoostUSAFCC  CogLCD     EduBPMKII_Screen  IRremote                  LiquidCrystal  MspFlash  PubSubClient  SoftwareSerial  Stepper  USBSerial  Wire
AIR430BoostEuropeETSI  aJson              DriverLib  Firmata           LCD_SharpBoosterPack_SPI  MQTTClient     PubNub    Servo         SPI             Temboo   WiFi
[ebrundic@spock libraries]$ rm -Rf Wire/examples WiFi/examples USBSerial/examples
[ebrundic@spock libraries]$ rm -Rf Temboo/examples

After deleting that 4th examples subfolder (Temboo/examples), Energia would start correctly. So there's definitely something going on with the # of examples folders being allowed here. I suspect Energia 14 added more libraries (MQTT?) so it's only starting to run up against this bug.

spirilis commented 9 years ago

Also of note, msp430 has 23 libraries, lm4f 17, and cc3200 14.

spirilis commented 9 years ago

Lol, perusing the Energia Java code reminds me why I never took up java programming after I took a class on it...

spirilis commented 9 years ago

Ok so one thing I'll point out-

Editor.java line 2839:

  protected void onArchChanged() {

On platform change, "base.rebuildExamplesMenu" is run, NOT the Editor.rebuildExamplesMenu() function which is where the buggy MenuScroller.setScrollerFor(examplesMenu,-1,-1 etcetc) statement is located.

Editor.rebuildExamplesMenu() is only called in one place: Editor.java line 511-

    if (examplesMenu == null) {
      examplesMenu = new JMenu(_("Examples"));

within "protected JMenu buildFileMenu()" However since "examplesMenu" is a variable private to Editor, I can't see how examplesMenu would not be null every time. Not to mention, MenuScroller.setScrollerFor() is run with -1,-1 arguments in other places and I don't see those croaking the IDE.

A HA! tools/MenuScroller.java line 300-

  public MenuScroller(JPopupMenu menu, int scrollCount, int interval,
          int topFixedCount, int bottomFixedCount) {

    if(scrollCount == -1)
        scrollCount = getMaximumItems()-topFixedCount-bottomFixedCount; // Autosize

    if(interval == -1)
        interval = 150; // Default value

    if (scrollCount <= 0 || interval <= 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("scrollCount and interval must be greater than 0");
    if (topFixedCount < 0 || bottomFixedCount < 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("topFixedCount and bottomFixedCount cannot be negative");

Ok, so scrollCount is the one that ends up tripping the alert, since the first statement checks if it's -1 and if so, sets it to some autosized value. Question is now, what is getMaximumItems() and why is it so low? Perhaps the # of libraries and examples folders exceeds some limit imposed by my screen's size.

spirilis commented 9 years ago

In either case, the Examples menu is chock full ... and where I believe the "built-in library examples" live, even with an MSP430 selected there are only 17 libraries listed (which is how many lm4f has, which is what I used as my default board/arch on startup). That arch change using base.rebuildExamplesMenu() is probably just repopulating the existing examples menu item based on its existing size, and as a result some libraries' examples go missing.

So that Examples menu needs some scrolling features too, since it doesn't scroll at all.

spirilis commented 9 years ago

And to put things into perspective more, here's my examples menu when starting as lm4f but switching to msp430- http://spirilis.net/junk/msp430/energia/energia-examplesmenu-size.png

4 of my "local" library examples listed in that scrolling section in the middle. The arch-specific distribution supplied library examples down below number 17, and there are some missing from comparing against the msp430 libraries folder.

This 4-item limit is probably related to the implementation of getMaximumItems() from MenuScroller.java -

   * Returns the maximum items that fit in the current screen
   * @author Paul Stoffregen
   * @param menu the menu
   * @return Number of items
   private static int getMaximumItems() {
         JMenuItem test = new JMenuItem("test");
         ButtonUI ui = test.getUI();
         Dimension d = ui.getPreferredSize(test);
         double item_height = d.getHeight();
         JMenuItem up = new JMenuItem(MenuIcon.UP);
         ui = up.getUI();
         d = ui.getPreferredSize(up);
         double icon_height = d.getHeight();
         double menu_border_height = 8.0; // kludge - how to detect this?
         double screen_height = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().getHeight();
         return (int)((screen_height - icon_height * 2 - menu_border_height) / item_height);

So on startup, Energia tries to craft the default sizes of the Examples menu, and since the arch-specific distribution supplied library examples do not get their own scrolling container, they take up so much screen height in the menu that there isn't enough space to fit my local-library example scrollbox container, so getMaximumItems() returns 0 and we get the Java exception.

But with lm4f, there are only 17 arch-specific distribution supplied libraries, so that leaves enough space to make my local library examples menu... however when switching arch, Energia doesn't fully rebuild the size of that arch-specific distribution provided example menu and since it doesn't scroll, the contents are incomplete.

BenBergman commented 9 years ago

I'm also experiencing this issue, both in 14 and 15. I am running Arch Linux x64, however I only see this issue on one of my two machines. The other seems to work fine.

jasiek commented 9 years ago

I'm experiencing this on both 15 and 16, running on Ubuntu 15.10 with OpenJDK 1.6

robertinant commented 8 years ago

I will be moving Energia to the new Arduino 1.6 IDE. These issues are no longer applicable when that happens so closing the issue.