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Support for C2000 LaunchPad F2806x — Uploading #574

Closed rei-vilo closed 9 years ago

rei-vilo commented 9 years ago

The uploader doesn't have the executable permission on Mac OS X.

sudo chmod 777 Energia.app/Contents/Resources/Java/hardware/c2000/serial_loader2000/macos/serial_loader2000

What is the configuration of the switches S1 and jumpers J6 and J7 for uploading?

There are many serial ports to choose among!

/dev/cu.usbserial-TIY4S830A /dev/tty.usbserial-TIY4S830A /dev/cu.usbserial-TIY4S830B /dev/tty.usbserial-TIY4S830B

Which is the right one?

The message Energia displays is identical to the message for the C2000-F28027.

capture 2015-03-11 a 22 56 38

Is it also valid for the F28069? Up and down aren't very clear: better use ON and OFF as the switches are clearly labeled.

As for the F28027, upload speed is too fast at 115200. I tried 9600 but still has this message

$ /Users/ReiVilo/github/Energia/Energia/build/macosx/work/Energia.app/Contents/Resources/Java/hardware/c2000/serial_loader2000/macos/serial_loader2000 -f /var/folders/5d/dky9xc691m32kztqnhkn8bhw0000gn/T/build2203909232384544183.tmp/Blink.cpp.txt -k /Users/ReiVilo/github/Energia/Energia/build/macosx/work/Energia.app/Contents/Resources/Java/hardware/c2000/F28027_flash_kernel/Debug/flash_kernel.txt -b 9600 -p /dev/cu.usbserial-TIY4S830B

C2000 Serial Firmware Upgrader Copyright (c) 2013 Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Downloading /var/folders/5d/dky9xc691m32kztqnhkn8bhw0000gn/T/build2203909232384544183.tmp/Blink.cpp.txt to device... Kernel autobaud timed out

rei-vilo commented 9 years ago

Last detail!

When compiling against the C2000, the new file Energia_C2000_Test.map appears on the folder.

rei-vilo commented 9 years ago

Uploading works fine now with the right message.

capture 2015-05-05 a 09 30 22

@treygerman I suggest to add the parameter upload.speed in boards.txt with the recommended 38400 speed, so user can edit it easily. The parameter upload.speed is a standard entry boards.txt on Processing-based IDEs.

lptms320f28027. upload.speed=38400
lptms320f28069. upload.speed=38400

Obviously, the IDE should be adapted accordingly.

Even if the feature isn't available on today's release 15 of Energia, I close the topic as it is solved.

The fix will be included in next release 16.