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Energia 17 — Wrong Executable File Compiled Against C2000 #761

Closed rei-vilo closed 8 years ago

rei-vilo commented 8 years ago

There's a problem when compiling against the C2000 F28027 and F28069.

The required Blink.cpp.elf file isn't generated, only Blink.cpp.out and Blink.cpp.txt.

So upload fails.

Which is the correct executable to upload, txt or out?

txt and out are generated...

/Applications/IDE/Energia.app/Contents/Resources/Java/hardware/tools/c2000/bin/hex2000 -boot -sci8 -a /var/folders/hz/wncgspfd5wxgzmly78yvzk_m0000gn/T/build1363210983760621696.tmp/Blink.cpp.out -o /var/folders/hz/wncgspfd5wxgzmly78yvzk_m0000gn/T/build1363210983760621696.tmp/Blink.cpp.txt

... but upload requires elf...

/Applications/IDE/Energia.app/Contents/Resources/Java/tools/common/DSLite/DebugServer/bin/DSLite load /Applications/IDE/Energia.app/Contents/Resources/Java/tools/common/DSLite/LAUNCHXL-F28027.ccxml /var/folders/hz/wncgspfd5wxgzmly78yvzk_m0000gn/T/build1363210983760621696.tmp/Blink.cpp.elf

...resulting in an error.

error: C28xx: GEL: Unable to open file: /var/folders/hz/wncgspfd5wxgzmly78yvzk_m0000gn/T/build1363210983760621696.tmp/Blink.cpp.elf

treygerman commented 8 years ago

I just did a git hard reset, ant clean, and ant build and I am not seeing this issue. The elf file is correctly generated. Check line 418 of compiler.java. The extension of the output file should be changed to .elf.

rei-vilo commented 8 years ago

ant clean and ant dist did the trick.

Compilation and upload are now successful for the F28027 and F28069.

Thank you!