energia / Energia

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CC3200 i2c at 100KHz doesn't work #941

Open nathankopp opened 8 years ago

nathankopp commented 8 years ago

To reproduce:

  1. Using Mac OSX and CC3200 LaunchPad XL rev 4.1
  2. Install Energia 18
  3. Install board support for CC3200 (using Boards Manager)
  4. Load Adafruit TMP006 example
  5. Modify to use i2c address 0x41
  6. Run the sketch. It works.
  7. Open ~/Library/Energia15/packages/energia/hardware/cc3200/1.0.2/libraries/Wire/Wire.cpp
  8. Change line 55 from "MAP_I2CMasterInitExpClk(I2C_BASE, F_CPU, true);" to "MAP_I2CMasterInitExpClk(I2C_BASE, F_CPU, false);" This is supposed to slow down the i2c bus from 400KHz to 100KHz.
  9. Run the sketch again.
  10. It does not work. It reports "No sensor found"

I have tried this with other sensors. None of them work properly when the i2c bus is running at 100KHz.

A similar experiment using Code Composer Studio works well with the slow bus speed for all sensors tested.

I have tried upgrading the "driverlib" and "inc" folders to CC3200 SDK 1.2.0, but this did not seem to have any effect.

rei-vilo commented 8 years ago

Thank you for reporting the issue. Each architecture has now its dedicated repository.

The CC3200-related issues are now at energia/cc3200-core.

Please refer to https://github.com/energia/cc3200-core/issues/7 for the follow-up.