energia / msp430-lg-core

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MSP430G2553 — Flash +19% and RAM +57% #34

Closed rei-vilo closed 7 years ago

rei-vilo commented 7 years ago

The same blink sketch compiled executable inflates 19%, and RAM usage increases +57%.

This is especially critical for the MSP430G2553 with 512 bytes available!

   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
    758       0      14     772     304 Blink3.ino.elf with Energia 12
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
    900       0      22     922     39a Blink3.ino.elf with Energia 18 and MSP430 1.0.2
uint8_t myLED;

void blink(uint8_t pin, uint8_t times, uint16_t ms, bool level = true);

void setup()
    myLED = RED_LED;
    pinMode(myLED, OUTPUT);

void loop()
    blink(myLED, 3, 333);

void blink(uint8_t pin, uint8_t times, uint16_t ms, bool level)
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < times; i++)
        digitalWrite(pin, level ? HIGH : LOW);
        delay(ms >> 1);
        digitalWrite(pin, level ? LOW : HIGH);
        delay(ms >> 1);
robertinant commented 7 years ago

Did you use the old or new compiler for this?

rei-vilo commented 7 years ago

I used the old compiler part of msp430-lg-core and went through releases 12 to 18 of Energia to check the size.

msp430-gcc (MSPGCC 20120406 (With patches: sf3540953 sf3559978)) 4.6.3 20120301 (mspgcc LTS 20120406 unpatched)

robertinant commented 7 years ago

platform.txt has it's optimization set to -O2. What sizes do you get if you change this to -Os for compiler.c.flags and compiler.cpp.flags

rei-vilo commented 7 years ago

I'm using embedXcode and both are set with -Os.

The issue isn't critical per se, as embedXcode gives me the flexibility to use the previous MSP430 package of Energia 12.

Everything is identical, except the release of the framework, 0.1.2 or 1.0.2.

/Applications/IDE/Energia.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/msp430/bin/msp430-g++ -w -c -Os -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -mmcu=msp430g2553 -DF_CPU=16000000L -I/Users/ReiVilo/Library/Energia15/packages/energia/hardware/msp430/0.1.2/variants/launchpad -I/Users/ReiVilo/Library/Energia15/packages/energia/hardware/msp430/0.1.2/cores/msp430 -I/Users/ReiVilo/Library/Energia15/packages/energia/hardware/msp430/0.1.2/cores/msp430/avr -I/Users/ReiVilo/Library/Energia15/packages/energia/hardware/msp430/0.1.2/libraries -I/Applications/IDE/Energia.app/Contents/Java/libraries -DENERGIA=10610 -DARDUINO=10610 -DEMBEDXCODE=614 -DENERGIA_ARCH_MSP430 -DENERGIA_lpmsp430g2553 -D__MSP430G2553__     -fno-exceptions -fno-threadsafe-statics  /Users/ReiVilo/Library/Energia15/packages/energia/hardware/msp430/0.1.2/cores/msp430/HardwareSerial.cpp -o Builds/cores/msp430/HardwareSerial.cpp.o
/Applications/IDE/Energia.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/msp430/bin/msp430-g++ -w -c -Os -Wall -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -mmcu=msp430g2553 -DF_CPU=16000000L -I/Users/ReiVilo/Library/Energia15/packages/energia/hardware/msp430/1.0.2/variants/MSP-EXP430G2 -I/Users/ReiVilo/Library/Energia15/packages/energia/hardware/msp430/1.0.2/cores/msp430 -I/Users/ReiVilo/Library/Energia15/packages/energia/hardware/msp430/1.0.2/cores/msp430/avr -I/Users/ReiVilo/Library/Energia15/packages/energia/hardware/msp430/1.0.2/libraries -I/Applications/IDE/Energia.app/Contents/Java/libraries -DENERGIA=10610 -DARDUINO=10610 -DEMBEDXCODE=614 -DENERGIA_ARCH_MSP430 -DENERGIA_MSP-EXP430G2553LP -D__MSP430G2553__     -fno-exceptions -fno-threadsafe-statics  /Users/ReiVilo/Library/Energia15/packages/energia/hardware/msp430/1.0.2/cores/msp430/HardwareSerial.cpp -o Builds/cores/msp430/HardwareSerial.cpp.o
robertinant commented 7 years ago

What numbers do you get with 1.0.1?

rei-vilo commented 7 years ago
Energia text data bss dec hex
12 758 0 14 772 304
13 896 0 22 918 396
14 896 0 22 918 396
15 896 0 22 918 396
16 896 0 22 918 396
17 900 0 22 922 39a
18 / 1.0.1 900 0 22 922 39a
18 / 1.0.2 900 0 22 922 39a
RickKimball commented 7 years ago

Check out the -minrt linker flag combined with -Os compile time flag


[edit] Of course that may break static initialization and ctors, but it will make it smaller[/edit]

rei-vilo commented 7 years ago

Results unchanged, 758 / 14 for Energia 12, 900 / 22 after.

Flash size isn't a big deal, question is about RAM. With 512 bytes, each byte counts!

Some projects fail to run on the MSP432G2553, unless I use Energia 12.

robertinant commented 7 years ago

This is only going to get worse with the new gcc compiler I am afraid..

rei-vilo commented 7 years ago

No problem, as long as I can keep and use the old one with embedXcode.

robertinant commented 7 years ago

Yes, we are going to support both the new and the old compiler with the same core.

robertinant commented 7 years ago

This was due to the -g flag being supplied and has been fixed in the upcoming release later this week.

Sketch uses 810 bytes (4%) of program storage space. Maximum is 16,384 bytes.
Global variables use 20 bytes (3%) of dynamic memory, leaving 492 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 512 bytes.