energia / msp430-lg-core

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Supply board manager JSON files #36

Closed barawn closed 7 years ago

barawn commented 7 years ago

It would be good if the MSP430 package indexes were available for the boards that get pre-installed in Energia, so that we can have a working example to start from. I've been totally unable to make a custom board install via the Board Manager since I'm pretty much workinng blind.

rei-vilo commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure to understand your question. The list of the pre-installed MSP430 boards is available in 4 different locations:

capture 2017-02-28 a 18 12 34 capture 2017-02-28 a 18 15 31
barawn commented 7 years ago

I was asking for the package_index.json file so that it can be used as a model for building board manager packages. Since I don't know what the tools are called (in Board Manager-terms) that are installed, I can't make one of my own.

I did find it, though, buried in a temp directory (on Windows at least), but it would probably be a good idea to expose that package index somewhere where people can see it.

rei-vilo commented 7 years ago

Energia uses the same structure as Arduino, so all the Arduino documentation is relevant.

See for example Boards Manager JSON index file format specification at https://github.com/arduino/Arduino/wiki/Arduino-IDE-1.6.x-package_index.json-format-specification

barawn commented 7 years ago

Right, but without that JSON file, you don't know what tools are already included in Energia, or where they're stored from. In the JSON on the temp directory, for instance, which I have no idea where it came from, it specifies the toolsDependencies as "name":"msp430-gcc", "version":"4.6.3", "name":"dslite", "version":"", etc. So when I create one for my custom boards, I can use exactly those toolsDependencies so they're automatically satisfied by what's already installed.

rei-vilo commented 7 years ago

It is a good practice to release self-contained packages, as Arduino does for the AVR package, stored along other packages instead of within the IDE.

robertinant commented 7 years ago

This is the repo for package_index.json https://github.com/robertinant/energia-package-index The json file is downloaded by the IDE from http://energia.nu/packages/package_index.json. You can specify your own custom board packages index in the IDE's preferences. You will need to name it something other than package_index.json e.g. my_package_index.json.

barawn commented 7 years ago

Fantastic! Thanks, I didn't see that repository before.