energia / msp430-lg-core

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Pins come up HIGH when set to OUTPUT #42

Open robertinant opened 7 years ago

robertinant commented 7 years ago

Should pins start as low when set to OUTPUT with pinMode()? Check Arduino / Wiring spec and match msp430 code if different.

fmilburn3 commented 7 years ago

I did a quick test with the Sparkfun Redboard that I have - an Uno derivative. Arduino sets the pins low as a default when a pin is made into an output which is different than Energia. If the Arduino is set low prior to being set as an output, e.g. digitalWrite(7, LOW); pinMode(7, OUTPUT); as I did in the 43oh post it behaves very strangely on startup. The pins will will "pulse" several times before settling low. In other words, the "fix" I gave in the 43oh post is incompatible with an Arduino Uno.