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How to Add Support for MSP430G2955 #61

Open rei-vilo opened 6 years ago

rei-vilo commented 6 years ago

How difficult / easy would it be to add support for the MSP430G2955 on Energia?

Apart the MSP430G2553 which comes in DIP package, the MSP430G2955 is easy to solder on a TSSOP to DIP adapter. It provides more Flash and RAM.


Thank you!

StefanSch commented 6 years ago

Adding support for the G2955 would be quite easy, the question is more the pin map which should be used as Energia is centered around a Board/Launchpad on the pin map.

rei-vilo commented 6 years ago

We could stick with the pin numbering scheme of the MCU, as there is no LaunchPad available.

capture 2018-04-03 a 08 41 37
StefanSch commented 6 years ago

just pushed a initial version to the G2955_support branch

rei-vilo commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much, @StefanSch. I'll a try and let you know!

robertinant commented 6 years ago

Thanks @StefanSch for adding support for the G2955. One question @rei-vilo. Should we put this in the boards menu for all or hide en you will in unhide it for your purposes? Either works for me.

rei-vilo commented 6 years ago

I'm using an old MSP430G2 LaunchPad rev 1.4 as programmer-debugger.

Here is the standard Blinky sketch.

msp430g2955 - moyenne

~However, there seem to be an issue with the clock. delay(10) lasts 138 ms and delay(100) lasts 1324 ms.~ Clock works fine now.

@robertinant I would suggest to include it in the boards menu for all. The pins map is attached below.

msp430g2955 pins map
rei-vilo commented 6 years ago

So far:

To be continued...

rei-vilo commented 6 years ago

G2955 connected to Nokia 5110 screen through SPI

g2955 - 1

rei-vilo commented 6 years ago

All the tests conducted on my side are positive, including UART, SPI and I²C as per Standalone MSP430G2955.


@StefanSch Thank you very much for your help!

@robertinant Wouldn't be nice to add the MSP430G2955 to the main distribution?