energia / msp432e-core

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MSP432E — Upload Fails #1

Open robertinant opened 6 years ago

robertinant commented 6 years ago

From @rei-vilo on October 21, 2018 10:20

Uploading from Energia to the MSP432E LaunchPad fails with the following error:

/Users/ReiVilo/Library/Energia15/packages/energia/tools/dslite/ load -c /Users/ReiVilo/Library/Energia15/packages/energia/tools/dslite/ -f /var/folders/px/cyfvtr757lqg0yp_cv9j79jh0000gn/T/arduino_build_494389/MSP432E.ino.elf DSLite version Configuring Debugger (may take a few minutes on first launch)... Initializing Register Database... Initializing: CORTEX_M4_0 Executing Startup Scripts: CORTEX_M4_0 GEL: CORTEX_M4_0: GEL Output: Memory Map Initialization Complete Connecting... error: CORTEX_M4_0: Error connecting to the target: Frequency is out of range. Failed: Operation was aborted the selected serial port Failed: Operation was aborted does not exist or your board is not connected

capture 2018-10-21 a 12 20 36

However, using UniFlash 4.4.0 works fine.

Copied from original issue: energia/Energia#1024

robertinant commented 6 years ago

From @rei-vilo on October 21, 2018 11:25

Using instead works.

/Users/ReiVilo/Library/Energia15/packages/energia/tools/dslite/ load -c /Users/ReiVilo/Library/Energia15/packages/energia/tools/dslite/ -f /Users/ReiVilo/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/e-1017-MSP432-Ethernet-aositlohncfkjkcmlplmyftwchgc/Build/Products/Debug/embeddedcomputing.elf
germantellezv commented 5 years ago

dslite fail

germantellezv commented 5 years ago

I don't know if you could solve the problem, but i had to enable the option to install drivers unsigned in windows 10. After that, go to Device Manager and install the drivers specifying the path to the Energia folder. Then, reboot or close everything and try again.

gjsman commented 4 years ago

For anyone experiencing this error on Windows:

In the boards manager, install the Tivac boards kit. Then, open the folder C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Energia15\packages\energia\hardware\msp432e\5.19.0 and edit platform.txt to match the file attached: https://gist.github.com/gjsman/83ef53f1c91d74989a5d403246021489

After doing this, Energia does work on the MSP-EXP432E401Y. (Edit: fixed folder, copied wrong one)

rei-vilo commented 4 years ago

Thank you!

Would you mind opening a pull request with the changes?

gjsman commented 4 years ago

@rei-vilo https://github.com/energia/msp432e-core/pull/8

I don't know if this fixes the necessary Tivac boards package problem or that this doesn't break other boards, however.