These tools are palliatives as:
1) CO2eq. is not a comprehensive indicator for industrial policies and ergo energy policies. Rather it is creating a geopolitical mess EWT seems to be well part of with such motto of decarbonisation.
2) COO creation of Renewable Energy Certificates is non sense, as renewability of material is given by timeframes and no timeframes are accounted for, nor a proper ontological categorisation of matter is embraced.
3) As I am aware EWT did not implement a tracking allocation rule for 3rd scope impact allocation, nor a comprehensive new economic framework for assessing energy based externalities.
4) Energy allocation problem is an optimization problem that is dual (energy and impacts). One to minimize and another to maximize. How are these summed up for DRS ? Who choose the weights of those indicators to be summed in the optimization problem for allocation?
These tools are palliatives as: 1) CO2eq. is not a comprehensive indicator for industrial policies and ergo energy policies. Rather it is creating a geopolitical mess EWT seems to be well part of with such motto of decarbonisation. 2) COO creation of Renewable Energy Certificates is non sense, as renewability of material is given by timeframes and no timeframes are accounted for, nor a proper ontological categorisation of matter is embraced. 3) As I am aware EWT did not implement a tracking allocation rule for 3rd scope impact allocation, nor a comprehensive new economic framework for assessing energy based externalities. 4) Energy allocation problem is an optimization problem that is dual (energy and impacts). One to minimize and another to maximize. How are these summed up for DRS ? Who choose the weights of those indicators to be summed in the optimization problem for allocation?