enesser / vCards-js

Create vCards to import contacts into Outlook, iOS, Mac OS, and Android devices from your website or application.
MIT License
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How to generate as QR Code? #35

Closed agungwiseso closed 5 years ago

agungwiseso commented 5 years ago

Hi, i want to create QR as VCard like https://www.the-qrcode-generator.com/ in expressjs. Can we do that?


dtmzr commented 5 years ago

There are other libraries like qrcode which create qr codes through given data. I guess implementing that feature should be up to your application's business logic and not up to this library.

@enesser what're your two cents to this?

enesser commented 5 years ago

@agungwiseso @dtmzr Love the idea of using QR codes with vCards. But I do think it's probably best for application logic. Reason being, I think most built-in QR code readers simply take the user to a link after scanning from their native mobile camera app. But this would be a great idea for a SaaS solution where someone can create vCards with an online service and automatically get a QR code back.

You can easily use the Express example in the README to hook up a vCard to a URL, then a QR code to point to that URL. https://github.com/enesser/vCards-js#on-the-web

Let me know how it goes!

dtmzr commented 5 years ago

A few students from my course at university and I had to write a paper about cross-media business cards. We ended up with a solution where we print a QR code with a link to an endpoint on the business card. This endpoint dynamically creates a vCard (using this library) from data out of our database. The initial creator of the vCard can change the deposited data at any time, making the data on the business card "flexible".

This project is based on express, mongo, mongoose, and vCards-js. If you're interested I could extract that logic and create a simple real-world example for this library?

Maybe even with both ideas, dynamically data and static.

enesser commented 5 years ago

@dtmzr Sounds like a great project. I would love that. Thanks!

dtmzr commented 5 years ago

@enesser here you go. It's under MIT so anyone can use it however they want to. Surely would like to here your two cents on that! 👍

Would you like to be added as a collaborator? Gonna suggest this as an example on the QR code library too.

enesser commented 5 years ago

@dtmzr Very cool! Gonna check it out soon and possibly link to it from this project, if that's okay!

dtmzr commented 5 years ago

@enesser Sure, whatever you like. Guess this here can be closed then.