enfein / mieru

mieru is a socks5 / HTTP / HTTPS proxy to bypass censorship. 見える是一款 socks5 / HTTP / HTTPS 网络代理翻墙工具。
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[讨论]性能怎么样,功能方面和实现方面如何设计的。 #8

Closed qeatzy closed 2 years ago

qeatzy commented 2 years ago

请问,性能怎样? 1 延时低吗,尤其是打开多个浏览器窗口时。(比如用Vimium,谷歌搜索后一次打开10来个后台窗口,然后一一查看。) 2 连接数多时,服务器端性能如何? 3 对墙的动作有什么防范吗?假如被针对的话会如何? 4 后续维护的动力如何? 5 高级功能方面有考虑过吗? 6 是自用或小范围使用,还是想做大推广?预想的用户群体是什么,开发者,还是一般用户? 7 如果别人要入坑的话,理由是什么,什么地方有吸引力?

gaukas commented 2 years ago

aspect do you want to talk about

Can't really name one. My first priority in foreseeable future will be to keep utls and tlsfingerprint.io up-to-date. Also, I have proposed the idea of uquic and quicfingerprint.io to my PI. I hope we can get it rolling asap. If you had any thoughts on design or features for a tunable quic library in terms of anti-censorship, it would be much appreciated.

efficient & simple & flexible

🤔 Man it almost sounded like an impossible trinity! But you are right, it is too easy for censoring parties to act specifically against one popular approach.

Emerging on one approach & one implementation is dangerous.

That's basically why I am so eager to hear more about censorship-proof approaches instead of another IT WORKED YESTERDAY. Tbh I'm fed up with this cat-and-mouse game... sigh (even tho I know it will always be a cat-and-mouse game lol)

qeatzy commented 2 years ago

efficient & simple & flexible

This the the tradeoff part.

Basically it's removal of flexibility from core, leave it to users with proficiency & passionate, with a decent default one for regular use. It's splitting responsibility into two categories, core developers focus on efficiency & simplicity & stability, power user innovate on front end. If you look around the issues, there are too many focused on front end, only minimal touch on the core if any. Provide a front end 小而美 , leave front end 大而全 to power uses and client writers. Communicate through contract, instead of a large façade. linux kenel & distro/desktop might be a good example here.

this cat-and-mouse game

You can search below words.


the second premise

And for those who are interested with persistent tunnel & handshake & forward secrecy & low delay. Search below

mutiplexing proxy

My design

qeatzy commented 2 years ago

As for udp implementation and quic.

我决定采取后者,放弃kcp,实现类似quic的multiplexing方案。(1 魔改quic 2 自研)

I'd like to see both survived, ...

I'm implementing a lightweight udp multiplexing protocol. Adapting from current persistent tcp tunnel approach. Also open to contribute to other QUIC versions.

qeatzy commented 2 years ago


gaukas commented 2 years ago


Thanks for mentioning this one. I have come across that paper published on FOCI'20 years ago but had never gave it a detailed look. And it does make a point on high-availability censorship circumvention designs.

qeatzy commented 2 years ago

l mention this one because it echoes my current tcp persistent tunnel implementation. Same goes for mention of chrome's connection management and SPDY at https://github.com/enfein/mieru/issues/8#issuecomment-1156197906

qeatzy commented 2 years ago



Edit, add more. State of QUIC proxy support · Issue #77 · klzgrad/naiveproxy CDN support? · Issue #74 · klzgrad/naiveproxy




bash99 commented 2 years ago

Just my 2 cents.

  1. I've experienced protocol whitelist in my local ISP (a small ISP but the only one in my company's office building),only 80/433 is open. at that time, ssr/http_simple is ok but other protocol (ss/vmess/brook...) is failed. I think it's in 2018 or 2019, CCP's 19big ?
  2. trojan-go use SMUX for multiplex, someone said it's much better than v2ray's mux design (which I found unreliable in bad network, perhaps tcp HOL problem). I'm not sure SMUX can solve tcp HOL problem.
qeatzy commented 2 years ago

@bash99 Yeah, that's nothing new.


and these ones https://github.com/enfein/mieru/issues/8#issuecomment-1168275840 , years ago.

The sad thing is development stagnate for too long, and everyone is believe what he/she want believe & just repeat bold assertions & spread suspicions & .

Everyone can and should say words he/she want to say. But the world will not become any better with 2cents & is there any difference with xxx & xxx is meaningless & xxx is not needed since i don't need that you can open pr & I got a idea & my finding are xxx & non-tls is dead end .

Please, do read, research, and work towards it.

moranno commented 2 years ago

@enfein 后续发现,上述性能的提升跟multiplexing关系不大,目前看来主要是程序优化的结果。

针对单个client connection对接多个tunnel multiplexing意义不大,反而代价明显。只对运营商只针对ip/port[TCP/IP的四元组限速才有意义,这种场景应该是越来越少。而代价很明显,需要synchroniztion,只要有一个tunnel慢/丢包就会极大的影响。食之无味,弃之可惜。

真正有用的multiplexing是针对多个连接的multiplexing,类似HTTP 2的那种长连接,但这就要引入packet的概念,类比tls record,像ss一样无脑socks stream肯定是不行的。


https://github.com/e1732a364fed/v2ray_simple/issues/128 quic+bbr相比trojan tcp+bbr在网络质量不佳的环境下提升巨大: https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/issues/975#issuecomment-1182579967


moranno commented 1 year ago

自己写的协议,稳的很,3楼里5.3的情况下都稳的很。思路见 shadowsocks/shadowsocks-org/issues/196#issuecomment-1130808838 shadowsocks/shadowsocks-org/issues/183#issuecomment-1130801232 长期来看,加域名可不是什么好点子,SNI阻断安排的明明白白的,cf之类迟早被玩坏,不信,看泉州就是。


qeatzy commented 1 year ago



It's already told. Basically it's ecdh handshake + multiplexing. Please refer to previous comments, eg, https://github.com/enfein/mieru/issues/8#issuecomment-1159453773

moranno commented 1 year ago



It's already told. Basically it's ecdh handshake + multiplexing. Please refer to previous comments, eg, #8 (comment)


qeatzy commented 1 year ago

@moranno No open source plan. Reason already stated. eg, https://github.com/enfein/mieru/issues/8#issuecomment-1153060183

Edit Also no social media contact. Remember lessons guys.

moranno commented 1 year ago

@moranno No open source plan. Reason already stated. eg, #8 (comment)
