A longstanding issue has been that the custom color BG per project page has poor paint performance since content is not always fully rendered when we decide where to end dynamic linear gradient, resulting in issue like attached sreencap. We can't wait too long, otherwise it would pop in too late.
A longstanding issue has been that the custom color BG per project page has poor paint performance since content is not always fully rendered when we decide where to end dynamic linear gradient, resulting in issue like attached sreencap. We can't wait too long, otherwise it would pop in too late.
BG should always end midway past vert line.
A potential fix would be to use Scully render plugin to pre-render a class or inline style per project page, if we can have the plugin find where the vert line is in the html and pre-calculate height. https://github.com/scullyio/scully/blob/master/docs/plugins.md#render-plugin