engaging-computing / rSENSE

A data aggregation and visualization tool for classroom science
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General/Error Message Changes #440

Closed kcarcia closed 11 years ago

kcarcia commented 11 years ago

The following issues are regarding changes to general messages and error messages on rSENSE.

  1. MOVED -- All page titles are "Rsense" - Page titles should be named accordingly. i.e. The people page on the old iSENSE was named "People - iSENSE"
  2. MOVED -- When creating a username with an email that's already in use, the error message is “Email has already been taken.” Error message could potentially sound clearer if changed to “Email is already in use.” If this change is implemented, please note it will also apply to the error message for creating an account with a username that's already in use. This error message would become "Username is already in use."
  3. MOVED -- If a user has omitted a password when creating a username, the error message is "The password digest can't be blank." Error message could potentially sound clearer if changed to "The password can't be blank" or "Password must be at least ”. The words “password digest” might throw users off.
  4. MOVED -- Adding criteria for creating a username and password on the "Register" page would be useful for users. For example, specifying usernames cannot includes certain characters, must be a certain length, etc. or if passwords need to include a number, etc. will help a user register without trouble. These message could be placed under the text boxes for usernames and passwords.
  5. DONE -- On the experiment store, the message "Find an project template to use for your own project” should be changed to "Find a project template to use for your own project."
  6. DONE -- The message denoting how many people have liked an experiment is in past tense. Changing this message from "# people liked this" to “1 person likes this” and “#!=1 people like this” may sound clearer. Using present tense would sound clearer.
  7. DONE -- Remove the comma after “foundation” in the following line found in the footer: “Our work is supported by grants DRL-0735597, DRL-0735592, DRL-0546513, IIS-1123998, and IIS-1123972 from the National Science Foundation, and a gift from Google Inc.”
  8. DONE -- Exclamation point after save when sharing a URL for a Google Doc should be removed.
  9. DONE -- “Username Only letters allowed” is the error message on the registration page for adding a username with invalid characters; only should not be capitalized in this messaged.
  10. DONE -- “Please enter a name for this Visualization.” should have a colon, not a period. Could possibly be changed to “Enter name for Visualization:”
  11. DONE -- Should Visualization be capitalized or un-capitalized? Meaning in places where we prompt users for information regarding visualizations, should visualization be a proper noun? @fgmart @jdalphon do you have any input on this?
  12. DONE -- Login box asks for “User” but should ask for “Username”
  13. DONE -- While editing names on the user page, there are the following error messages that need to be modified: a. Change “Firstname only allows letters, hypens, single quotes, and spaces allowed.” to something like “First name can only contain letters, hyphens, single quotes, and spaces.” b. Also change “Lastname only allows letters, hypens, single quotes, and spaces allowed.” to something like “Last name can only contain letters, hyphens, single quotes, and spaces.”
  14. N/A -- “Are you sure you want to delete Saved ?” -- no space before ? and "Saved" shouldn't be capitalized
mmcguinn commented 11 years ago

5) is now irrelevant (page was removed).

kcarcia commented 11 years ago

9 has not fully been addressed. It is now noted usernames can contain letters and numbers, however, "only" should not be capitalized in the message.

kcarcia commented 11 years ago

9 has now been addressed.

kcarcia commented 11 years ago

2, 3, and 4 have now been moved to #460

mmcguinn commented 11 years ago

I can't reproduce (14). Are you sure you didn't have a space at the end of a name?

mmcguinn commented 11 years ago

Personally I think (11) is fine. They are names with meaning on iSENSE.

kcarcia commented 11 years ago

So 14 only occurs when you are trying to a delete Visualization with a name that has been automatically generated. Visualization names that are automatically generated seem to have an extra space at the end. I tried looking to see where this is occurring, but I determined14 was an error on my part. I put an extra space at the end of my project name. I'm wondering if there's a way we can strip spaces from project names, though?

It appears that all instances of Visualization are capitalized. Since there's consistency and this is a name with meaning as you said, it is probably best to leave 11 alone.

kcarcia commented 11 years ago

1 and 6 been addressed. There is only one potential issue regarding 1 addressed in the comments of #460

kcarcia commented 11 years ago

11 has officially been addressed.