engelnico / point-transformer

This is the official repository of the original Point Transformer architecture.
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Code for visulizing point clouds #1

Open LAB123-tech opened 1 year ago

LAB123-tech commented 1 year ago

What a fantastic work!! Could you please give me a copy of the code that visualizes point clouds in the paper. Such as Figure.8 and Figure.9 posted in the paper. Code that posted on GitHub seems don't contains the code for visualizing point clouds and the results processed by SortNet. Thanks a lot. my email: 2785388653@qq.com

engelnico commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for your interest in our work.

I believe the figures you mentioned were created using the Mitsuba Rendering Engine. The authors recently released a new version (see https://github.com/mitsuba-renderer/mitsuba3) which tackles a lot of long standing issues of the previous version. I remember that i struggled with v2 as well. Therefore, I recommend that you look at the link I mentioned, which seems very promising to achieve similar visual results.

LAB123-tech commented 1 year ago
