engineyard / eycap

Engine Yard specific capistrano recipes
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regression: hoe runtime dependency means I can't run bundle update #18

Closed cgriego closed 11 years ago

cgriego commented 13 years ago

This was fixed in 0.5.9 but came back in 0.5.10-0.5.11

  1. The eycap gemspec has a runtime dependency on hoe with ">= 1.5.1".
  2. hoe 2.9.0 depends on RubyGems >= 1.4
  3. Engine Yard's AppCloud still runs RubyGems 1.3.6

When I run bundle update, I get the newest hoe which will fail to install on the next time I deploy my application. If eycap is going to use hoe, it needs to be a development dependency.

7hunderbird commented 11 years ago

The eycap gem no longer uses hoe and now uses bundler for gem building and releasing. This is since the 0.6.x version and above.