enginkizil / FeedEk

FeedEk jQuery RSS/ATOM Feed Plugin
MIT License
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YQL deprecation, moving to independent .js #60

Closed usuarionuevor closed 5 years ago

usuarionuevor commented 6 years ago

Since Verizon brought Yahoo they started deprecating non-profitable services, Yahoo Finance and other YQL tables are not working anymore, lucky for us RSS is still working but who knows for how much time?

I've been looking for alternatives and I've found this project https://github.com/bobby-brennan/rss-parser doesn't relay on 3rd party API

example: <script src="rss-parser.min.js"></script>

<script> RSSParser.parseURL('https://yourRSSurl', function(err, parsed) { parsed.feed.entries.forEach(function(entry) { yourCode }) }) </script>

I think FeedEk could benefit lot, what do you think?

briatte commented 5 years ago

I'm looking at this thread because YQL will cease operations in a few days; it seems @usuarionuevor was prescient about this.

The RSS parser above describes itself as 'lightweight' but is 200KB minified. This one seems truly lightweight: https://github.com/dannydes/RSS.js

And of course, there are other options.

fischhase commented 5 years ago

Hallo Engin, I think, this errormessage

net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=SELECT%20channel.item....

is the result of YQL deactivation. Are you planning an update of your script or is migrating to another Plugin the way to be?

Thanks for your work and regards Martin

enginkizil commented 5 years ago

Hello all, FeedEk v3.1.0 released. I created custom feed api insted of using YQL API. YQL API is not using anymore.