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Shortest Path/Dijkstra #1

Open engjellushaBallazhi5 opened 1 year ago

engjellushaBallazhi5 commented 1 year ago

Find the shortest path. This task is accomplished through the Dijkstra algorithm.

engjellushaBallazhi5 commented 1 year ago

Method Dijkstra(G, s): // G is graph, s is source
distance[s] -> 0 // Distance from the source to source is always 0
for every vertex vx in the Graph G: // doing the initialization work
if vx ? s
// Unknown distance function from source to each node set to infinity
distance[vx] -> infinity
add vx to Queue Q // Initially, all the nodes are in Q

// The while loop
Untill the Q is not empty:
// During the first run, this vertex is the source or starting node
vx = vertex in Q with the minimum distance[vx]
delete vx from Q
// where the neighbor ux has not been deleted yet from Q.
for each neighbor ux of vx:
alt = distance[vx] + length(vx, ux)
// A path with lesser weight (shorter path), to ux is found
if alt < distance[ux]:
distance[ux] = alt // updating the distance of ux

  return dist[]  

end Method