englercj / resource-loader

A middleware-style generic resource loader built with web games in mind.
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Loading image from URL blocked by CORS #116

Closed birdkingz closed 6 years ago

birdkingz commented 6 years ago


I'm using the loader to fetch image from server but I'm getting an error from the browser which saying accessing image has been blocked by CORS policy.

Even though I have specify crossOrigin to true but it doesn't seems to do anything. loader.add('image', 'https://pay.google.com/about/static/images/logos/apple_store.png', {crossOrigin: true})

Any idea how can I fix this problem?

englercj commented 6 years ago

I think this is a duplicate of #99

englercj commented 6 years ago

Actually, this should already be working for images. Can you give me a running example of this not working?

birdkingz commented 6 years ago

I'm using the resource-loader which provided by Pixi.js Maybe they are still using older version of resource-loader?

englercj commented 6 years ago

While they are generally a couple version behind, this has worked for a while IIRC. Do you have a running example of this failing? Using codepen or jsfiddle would be most helpful.

birdkingz commented 6 years ago

I've created a sample project in ReactJS. https://drive.google.com/open?id=13FOP0Y9lXMDHN3bsshm8arezJsNg3n9N

After unzip please run command npm install in terminal to install all the required packages. The main script file is call App.js

englercj commented 6 years ago


So the problem is that you are loading a cross-origin image, with a cross-origin policy set; but the server you are loading from is not setting cross origin headers. Browsers don't allow this. It either has to be loaded with no crossOrigin policy, or the server has to allow cross-origin usage.

You can load the image as "dirty" meaning you don't set the crossOrigin policy. This will dirty any canvas you try to draw it to, which usually only means you can't read any pixels from it. If that is OK for your application, you can override the behavior to not set a policy like this:

.add('https://some-cross-origin.com/image.png', { crossOrigin: '' })

The way the crossOrigin configuration works for a resource is:

MGasztold commented 4 years ago


I struggle with similar issue and I can check with postman that cross origin header is present in the server's response.

I can also fetch the image successfully by puting static < img src= ... > entry in the html of my page.

Only the response for the request that pixi loader performs actually does not contain cross origin header.

Can somebody give any hint on how to overcome this issue?

englercj commented 4 years ago

Please open a new issue with a repro case. Thanks!