enhance-dev / enhance-image

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RFC: Enhance Image 1.0 #5

Closed colepeters closed 1 year ago

colepeters commented 1 year ago

This RFC supersedes https://github.com/enhance-dev/enhance.dev/pull/115, as that proposal would require either WebKit to adopt customized builtins (which seems less and less likely to happen) or for us to ship a polyfill to WebKit clients (not ideal as server side output would be negatively impacted for those users, of which there are many).


Core functionality

Prior art

Enhance Image alpha


Unpic Img


The alpha version of Enhance Image was based on the picture element, where each variant would be rendered as a new source element within its picture parent. This presented some problems, primarily due to the aforementioned lack of full cross browser support for customized built in elements.

The version of Enhance Image proposed here is based on the use of the img elementโ€™s srcset and sizes attributes. Despite my initial dislike of these attributesโ€™ APIs, they are in fact designed explicitly for serving different sizes of the same image, whereas picture and source are designed to solve problems of art direction (i.e., serving a completely different image under a given media condition). Using the srcset and sizes attributes gives the client a bit more control in choosing which image to serve, and can cut back on unnecessary network requests that would be unaddressed by the previous implementation of Enhance Image.

The main concern for Enhance Image, in this case, is simplifying the admittedly nuanced and potentially complex native API for responsive images. This ends up being quite feasible, as seen below.


Enhance Image will generate a range of transformations for your images on sandbox start, so that these transformed images will be available to your application at runtime.

You can configure your image transformations as follows:

# .arc
format webp
quality 80

Configuration options:


A list of widths in pixels, used to generate resized variants of your source image. Images will be resized with their aspect ratio preserved. Source images smaller than a given width will not be enlarged. Defaults to 2400, 1200 and 800px widths.


The image format to use for transformed images. Options are webp, avif, jpeg, png, and gif. Defaults to webp.


Quality setting for lossy image formats, given as number between 0โ€“100. Defaults to 80. This setting will not apply if using the png format.

Component API

  sizes='(min-width: 48em) 50w, 100vw'


src The path to the image to use as a base for transformations.

sizes A comma separated list of media conditions and source size values โ€” just like the native img.sizes attribute. The final value in this list should not contain a media condition, as it will be used as the default when no given media conditions match. The client will use these values to determine the appropriate width of image to use for a given media condition. Note that source size values affect the intrinsic size of the image, but this can be easily overridden via CSS. Defaults to a single 100vw size, so the client will select the best image for use as a full width image on the current viewport.

width and height Unitless lengths for the imageโ€™s intrinsic width and height. These must be provided in order for the client to determine the imageโ€™s aspect ratio and thus prevent cumulative layout shift. (We can likely automate this for the user pretty easily; see roadmap below.)

priority Boolean property which will apply the fetchpriority=โ€œhigh" attribute to the image. This attribute is still forthcoming for Firefox, Safari, and Opera. When this property is not declared, images will default to the loading=โ€œlazy" attribute (and thus priority images in clients lacking fetchpriority will be treated the same as images with loading=โ€œeager" declared). This is useful for images such as hero graphics that appear within the viewportโ€™s initial scroll boundaries.

To solve for initial implementation

Image generation

Using the configuration in the .arc file, we need to pre-generate the transformed images on sandbox start (and possibly run a watcher for local dev?), to avoid the lag when transformed images arenโ€™t already cached.

Post 1.0 roadmap (unsorted)

macdonst commented 1 year ago


Enhance Image will generate a range of transformations for your images at deploy time, so that these transformed images will be available to your application at runtime.

But we aren't converting the images at deploy time right? It just makes a path available to you to request at run time. The first hit on the url would create the image?

colepeters commented 1 year ago

@macdonst We aren't yetโ€ฆ but we will be! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ (I mistyped here, it would be on sandbox start, but yeah.) We discussed this during yesterday's Enhance Sync, will loop you in!

colepeters commented 1 year ago

Moving forward with configuring generated image sizes, format, and quality in .arc file. arc-image-plugin will read this config + provides fallbacks, and write the resulting config to the consuming Enhance project. The Enhance Image component will consume that config via state.

For current status: https://github.com/orgs/enhance-dev/projects/13/views/1