enioka-Haute-Couture / enioka_scan

Integration library for all your Android hardware barcode scanner integration needs
Apache License 2.0
51 stars 5 forks source link

Mode scanner laser activé sur un Samsung Xcover 4 #124

Closed abelatar closed 11 months ago

abelatar commented 11 months ago

Lors du démarrage de Mobicop sur un Samsung Xcover 4, la bibliothèque démarre en mode scanner, bien que cet appareil ne devrait pas prendre en charge ce mode.

Comportement attendu : L'application devrait reconnaître que l'appareil ne prend pas en charge le mode scanner et ne pas essayer de l'initialiser.

Traces :

getUsableFileNum - File num : 0
                D  DataStore created
                V  Loading metadata form file
                V  Datastore version : 1
Journe...State  D  new and empty journey state
Mobico...ation  D  startTrackingLocation Location 
art             W  Before Android 4.1, method android.graphics.PorterDuffColorFilter androidx.vectordrawable.graphics.drawable.VectorDrawableCompat.updateTintFilter(android.graphics.PorterDuffColorFilter, android.content.res.ColorStateList, android.graphics.PorterDuff$Mode) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in android.graphics.drawable.Drawable
TextView        D  setTypeface with style : 0
                D  setTypeface with style : 0
                D  setTypeface with style : 0
                D  setTypeface with style : 0
ViewRo...vity]  D  ThreadedRenderer.create() translucent=false
InputTransport  D  Input channel constructed: fd=59
ViewRo...vity]  D  setView = DecorView@588c656[WelcomeActivity] touchMode=true
ScannerService  I  Starting scanner service
                I  ScannerService is receiving a new bind request - onBind
                I  (re)starting provider discovery!
LaserScanner    I  Starting provider discovery
                I  There are 15 scanner provider(s) available before filtering duplicates
                D  Trying to instantiate provider com.enioka.scanner.sdk.zebra.dw.ZebraDwProvider - not BT - 0
                D  Provider ZebraDwProvider was successfully instantiated
                D  Trying to instantiate provider com.enioka.scanner.sdk.athesi.SPA43LTE.AthesiHHTProvider - not BT - 0
                D  Provider AthesiHHTProvider was successfully instantiated
                D  Trying to instantiate provider com.enioka.scanner.sdk.athesi.RD50TE.AthesiE5LProvider - not BT - 0
                D  Provider AthesiE5LProvider was successfully instantiated
                D  Trying to instantiate provider com.enioka.scanner.sdk.bluebird.BluebirdProvider - not BT - 0
                D  Provider BluebirdProvider was successfully instantiated
                D  Trying to instantiate provider com.enioka.scanner.sdk.honeywelloss.integrated.HoneywellOssIntegratedScannerProvider - not BT - 0
                D  Provider HoneywellOssIntegratedProvider was successfully instantiated
                D  Trying to instantiate provider com.enioka.scanner.sdk.proglove.ProgloveProvider - BT     - 0
                D  Provider ProgloveProvider was successfully instantiated
                D  Trying to instantiate provider com.enioka.scanner.bt.manager.SerialBtScannerProvider - BT     - 0
                D  Provider BtSppSdk was successfully instantiated
BtSppSdk        I   SPP SDK compatible provider found: com.enioka.scanner.sdk.generalscan.GsSppScannerProvider
                I   SPP SDK compatible provider found: com.enioka.scanner.sdk.zebraoss.ZebraOssSppScannerProvider
                I   SPP SDK compatible provider found: com.enioka.scanner.sdk.zebraoss.ZebraOssAttScannerProvider
                I   SPP SDK compatible provider found: com.enioka.scanner.sdk.honeywelloss.spp.HoneywellOssSppScannerProvider
                D  Skipping duplicate provider com.enioka.scanner.sdk.generalscan.GsSppScannerProvider : does not match application UID (Service=10156 | Application=10167)
                D  Skipping duplicate provider com.enioka.scanner.sdk.zebraoss.ZebraOssSppScannerProvider : does not match application UID (Service=10156 | Application=10167)
                D  Skipping duplicate provider com.enioka.scanner.sdk.honeywelloss.HoneywellOssSppScannerProvider : does not match application UID (Service=10156 | Application=10167)
LaserScanner    D  Skipping duplicate provider com.enioka.scanner.sdk.hid.GenericHidProvider : does not match application UID (Service=10156 | Application=10167)
                D  Skipping duplicate provider com.enioka.scanner.sdk.athesi.HHTProvider : does not match application UID (Service=10156 | Application=10167)
                D  Skipping duplicate provider com.enioka.scanner.sdk.bluebird.BluebirdProvider : does not match application UID (Service=10156 | Application=10167)
                D  Skipping duplicate provider com.enioka.scanner.sdk.proglove.ProgloveProvider : does not match application UID (Service=10156 | Application=10167)
                D  Skipping duplicate provider com.enioka.scanner.bt.manager.SerialBtScannerProvider : does not match application UID (Service=10156 | Application=10167)
                D  Skipping duplicate provider com.enioka.scanner.sdk.koamtac.KoamtacScannerProvider : does not match application UID (Service=10156 | Application=10167)
                D  Skipping duplicate provider com.enioka.scanner.sdk.zebra.BtZebraProvider : does not match application UID (Service=10156 | Application=10167)
                D  Skipping duplicate provider com.enioka.scanner.sdk.zebra.EmdkZebraProvider : does not match application UID (Service=10156 | Application=10167)
                I  Provider discovery done
ViewRo...vity]  D  dispatchAttachedToWindow
                D  Relayout returned: oldFrame=[0,0][0,0] newFrame=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x27 surface={isValid=true -956407808} surfaceGenerationChanged=true
                D  mHardwareRenderer.initialize() mSurface={isValid=true -956407808} hwInitialized=true
OpenGLRenderer  I  Initialized EGL, version 1.4
                D  Swap behavior 1
ScannerService  D  Status changed: SERVICE_PROVIDER_SEARCH_OVER --- ScannerService a terminé la découverte de providers de scanner
                I  (re)starting scanner search!
LaserScanner    I  Starting scanner search
mali_winsys     D  EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000,  [720x1280]-format:1
LaserScanner    D  Provider AthesiHHTProvider accepted
                D  Provider HoneywellOssIntegratedProvider accepted
                D  Provider AthesiE5LProvider accepted
                D  Provider ZebraDwProvider accepted
                D  Provider BluebirdProvider accepted
                D  Provider ProgloveProvider skipped because bluetooth option is disabled
                D  Provider BtSppSdk skipped because bluetooth option is disabled
                I  There are 5 providers which are going to be invoked for fresh laser scanners
                I   ZebraDwProvider
                I   HoneywellOssIntegratedProvider
                I   BluebirdProvider
                I   AthesiHHTProvider
                I   AthesiE5LProvider
                I  Starting search on provider ZebraDwProvider
                I  Starting search on provider HoneywellOssIntegratedProvider
                I  Starting search on provider AthesiHHTProvider
                I  Scanner provider AthesiHHTProvider reports it is not compatible with the device and will be disabled
                I  ZebraDwProvider scanner found. Id internal.
                I  Scanner provider ZebraDwProvider reports it is compatible with current device and has created all its scanners
                I  Scanner provider HoneywellOssIntegratedProvider reports it is not compatible with the device and will be disabled
                I  Starting search on provider AthesiE5LProvider
                I  Scanner provider AthesiE5LProvider reports it is not compatible with the device and will be disabled
                I  Starting search on provider BluebirdProvider
                I  Scanner provider BluebirdProvider reports it is not compatible with the device and will be disabled
TextView        D  setTypeface with style : 0
                D  setTypeface with style : 0
ViewRo...vity]  D  MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1280) ci=Rect(0, 48 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 48 - 0, 0) or=1
                D  MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1
                D  mHardwareRenderer.initializeIfNeeded()#2 mSurface={isValid=true -956407808}
InputM...nager  V  Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@7038a19 nm : com.geodis.mobicop ic=null
                I  [IMM] startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
ScannerService  D  Status changed: CONNECTING --- Scanner en cours de connexion
                D  Progress on connection of scanner null from AthesiHHTProvider: No AthesiHHTProvider scanners available.
                D  Status changed: CONNECTING --- Scanner en cours de connexion
                D  Progress on connection of scanner internal from ZebraDwProvider: scanner found.
                D  Service has received a new scanner from provider ZebraDwProvider and will initialize it. Its key is internal
                D  New scanner initializing, total initializing: 1
ZebraD...vider  I  Registering an intent receiver with intent filter com.enioka.scanners.zebra.dw.intent.callback.name
                I  Registering an intent receiver with intent filter com.symbol.datawedge.api.RESULT_ACTION
                I  Registering an intent receiver with intent filter com.symbol.datawedge.api.NOTIFICATION_ACTION
BtSppSdk        D  Broadcasting new Intent with action com.symbol.datawedge.api.ACTION
                D  Broadcasting new Intent with action com.symbol.datawedge.api.ACTION
                D  Broadcasting new Intent with action com.symbol.datawedge.api.ACTION
ZebraDwScanner  D  Sending DW action. DW command ID: com.symbol.datawedge.api.RESULT_GET_ACTIVE_PROFILE Intent action: com.symbol.datawedge.api.ACTION
BtSppSdk        D  Broadcasting new Intent with action com.symbol.datawedge.api.ACTION
ZebraD...vider  D  Sending intent to scanner to enable the trigger
ScannerService  D  Status changed: CONNECTING --- Scanner en cours de connexion
                D  Progress on connection of scanner null from ZebraDwProvider: Provider ZebraDwProvider has finished initializing.
                D  Status changed: CONNECTING --- Scanner en cours de connexion
                D  Progress on connection of scanner null from HoneywellOssIntegratedProvider: No HoneywellOssIntegratedProvider scanners available.
                D  Status changed: CONNECTING --- Scanner en cours de connexion
                D  Progress on connection of scanner null from AthesiE5LProvider: No AthesiE5LProvider scanners available.
                D  Status changed: CONNECTING --- Scanner en cours de connexion
                D  Progress on connection of scanner null from BluebirdProvider: No BluebirdProvider scanners available.
                I  1 scanners from the different SDKs have reported for duty. Waiting for the initialization of 1 scanners.
                I  A scanner has successfully initialized from provider ZebraDwProvider
                D  Status changed: CONNECTED --- Scanner connecté
                D  New scanner initialized (success), total initializing: 0
                I  All found scanners have now ended their initialization (or failed to do so)
                D  Status changed: SERVICE_SDK_SEARCH_OVER --- Tous les fournisseurs de scanners matériels ont répondu
                D  Status changed: READY --- Scanner prêt à être utilisé
InputTransport  D  Input channel constructed: fd=67
InputM...nager  V  Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@b34c4bf nm : com.geodis.mobicop ic=null
ViewRo...vity]  D  ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
System          W  ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /system/framework/QPerformance.jar
BoostFramework  E  BoostFramework() : Exception_1 = java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.qualcomm.qti.Performance" on path: DexPathList[[],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/system/lib, /vendor/lib]]
                V  BoostFramework() : mPerf = null
ViewRo...vity]  D  ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
TextView        D  setTypeface with style : 0
                D  setTypeface with style : 0
                D  setTypeface with style : 0
                D  setTypeface with style : 0
ViewRo...vity]  D  ThreadedRenderer.create() translucent=true
InputTransport  D  Input channel constructed: fd=70
ViewRo...vity]  D  setView = DecorView@3fa46f2[WelcomeActivity] touchMode=true
                D  dispatchAttachedToWindow
                D  Relayout returned: oldFrame=[0,0][0,0] newFrame=[18,423][702,904] result=0x27 surface={isValid=true -959508480} surfaceGenerationChanged=true
                D  mHardwareRenderer.initialize() mSurface={isValid=true -959508480} hwInitialized=true
ScrollView      D   onsize change changed 
                D   onsize change changed 
mali_winsys     D  EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000,  [812x609]-format:1
                D  mHardwareRenderer.initializeIfNeeded()#2 mSurface={isValid=true -959508480}
                D  MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(18, 423 - 702, 904) ci=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) or=1
ViewRo...vity]  D  ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 0
                D  ViewPostImeInputStage processPointer 1
                D  mHardwareRenderer.destroy()#4
                D  dispatchDetachedFromWindow
InputTransport  D  Input channel destroyed: fd=70
ViewRootImpl    E  sendUserActionEvent() returned.
Scanne...ivity  D  Scanner activity is created 100703472
TextView        D  setTypeface with style : 0
Scanne...ivity  D  Scanner activity is starting 100703472
                I  Scanner activity is resuming 100703472
                I  Resuming scanner activity - scanners will be (re)connected
TextView        D  setTypeface with style : 0
                D  setTypeface with style : 0
ViewRo...vity]  D  ThreadedRenderer.create() translucent=false
InputTransport  D  Input channel constructed: fd=70
ViewRo...vity]  D  setView = DecorView@3999881[RegistrationScanActivity] touchMode=true
ViewRo...vity]  D  mHardwareRenderer.destroy()#1
                D  Relayout returned: oldFrame=[0,0][720,1280] newFrame=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x5 surface={isValid=false 0} surfaceGenerationChanged=true
ViewRo...vity]  D  dispatchAttachedToWindow
                D  Relayout returned: oldFrame=[0,0][0,0] newFrame=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x7 surface={isValid=true -956407808} surfaceGenerationChanged=true
                D  mHardwareRenderer.initialize() mSurface={isValid=true -956407808} hwInitialized=true
mali_winsys     D  EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display*, void*, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface**, egl_color_buffer_format*, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000,  [720x1280]-format:1
Scanne...ivity  D  Service is connected to activity
ScannerService  D  Registering new client: com.geodis.mobicop.RegistrationScanActivity@6009cf0 100703472
                D  Notifying late clients that providers are already discovered
                D  Notifying late clients that scanners are already connected
Scanne...ivity  I  Activity can now use all received scanners (1)
ZebraD...vider  D  Sending intent to scanner to enable the trigger
ViewRo...vity]  D  MSG_RESIZED_REPORT: frame=Rect(0, 0 - 720, 1280) ci=Rect(0, 48 - 0, 0) vi=Rect(0, 48 - 0, 0) or=1
                D  MSG_WINDOW_FOCUS_CHANGED 1
                D  mHardwareRenderer.initializeIfNeeded()#2 mSurface={isValid=true -956407808}
InputM...nager  V  Starting input: tba=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@5e2575 nm : com.geodis.mobicop ic=null
                I  [IMM] startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
InputTransport  D  Input channel constructed: fd=68
                D  Input channel destroyed: fd=67
art             I  Do partial code cache collection, code=19KB, data=31KB
                I  After code cache collection, code=19KB, data=31KB
                I  Increasing code cache capacity to 128KB
ViewRo...vity]  D  mHardwareRenderer.destroy()#1
                D  Relayout returned: oldFrame=[0,0][720,1280] newFrame=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={isValid=false 0} surfaceGenerationChanged=false
abelatar commented 11 months ago

Hello @DaSpood , In version 2.3.9, the camera mode is activated on the TC27, even though it should operate in laser mode.

DaSpood commented 11 months ago

Bonjour @abelatar , aurais-tu des traces d’exécution de l'application ? Le provider se base désormais sur l'existence du package datawedge (com.symbol.datawedge) pour détecter son existence et son activation.

abelatar commented 11 months ago

Re @DaSpood

Voici les traces :

Provider BluebirdProvider was successfully instantiated
11:48:21.547                               D  Trying to instantiate provider com.enioka.scanner.sdk.honeywelloss.integrated.HoneywellOssIntegratedScannerProvider - not BT - 0
11:48:21.547                               D  Provider HoneywellOssIntegratedProvider was successfully instantiated
11:48:21.547                               D  Trying to instantiate provider com.enioka.scanner.sdk.proglove.ProgloveProvider - BT     - 0
11:48:21.547                               D  Provider ProgloveProvider was successfully instantiated
11:48:21.547                               D  Trying to instantiate provider com.enioka.scanner.bt.manager.SerialBtScannerProvider - BT     - 0
11:48:21.549                               D  Provider BtSppSdk was successfully instantiated
11:48:21.551 BtSppSdk                      D  Skipping duplicate provider com.enioka.scanner.sdk.generalscan.GsSppScannerProvider : does not match application UID (Service=10270 | Application=10271)
11:48:21.551                               D  Skipping duplicate provider com.enioka.scanner.sdk.zebraoss.ZebraOssSppScannerProvider : does not match application UID (Service=10270 | Application=10271)
11:48:21.551                               D  Skipping duplicate provider com.enioka.scanner.sdk.zebraoss.ZebraOssAttScannerProvider : does not match application UID (Service=10270 | Application=10271)
11:48:21.551                               D  Skipping duplicate provider com.enioka.scanner.sdk.honeywelloss.spp.HoneywellOssSppScannerProvider : does not match application UID (Service=10270 | Application=10271)
11:48:21.552                               I    SPP SDK compatible provider found: com.enioka.scanner.sdk.generalscan.GsSppScannerProvider
11:48:21.552                               I    SPP SDK compatible provider found: com.enioka.scanner.sdk.zebraoss.ZebraOssSppScannerProvider
11:48:21.552                               I    SPP SDK compatible provider found: com.enioka.scanner.sdk.zebraoss.ZebraOssAttScannerProvider
11:48:21.553                               I    SPP SDK compatible provider found: com.enioka.scanner.sdk.honeywelloss.spp.HoneywellOssSppScannerProvider
11:48:21.553 LaserScanner                  I  Provider discovery done
11:48:21.568 ScannerService                D  Status changed: SERVICE_PROVIDER_SEARCH_OVER --- ScannerService finished discovering scanner providers
11:48:21.568                               I  (re)starting scanner search!
11:48:21.568 LaserScanner                  I  Starting scanner search
11:48:21.574                               D  Provider ProgloveProvider skipped because bluetooth option is disabled
11:48:21.574                               D  Provider ZebraDwProvider accepted
11:48:21.574                               D  Provider BluebirdProvider accepted
11:48:21.574                               D  Provider AthesiHHTProvider accepted
11:48:21.574                               D  Provider AthesiE5LProvider accepted
11:48:21.574                               D  Provider HoneywellOssIntegratedProvider accepted
11:48:21.574                               D  Provider BtSppSdk skipped because bluetooth option is disabled
11:48:21.574                               I  There are 5 providers which are going to be invoked for fresh laser scanners
11:48:21.574                               I    ZebraDwProvider
11:48:21.574                               I    HoneywellOssIntegratedProvider
11:48:21.574                               I    BluebirdProvider
11:48:21.574                               I    AthesiHHTProvider
11:48:21.574                               I    AthesiE5LProvider
11:48:21.575                               I  Starting search on provider ZebraDwProvider
11:48:21.575 IntentProvider                D  Provider ZebraDwProvider: Checking appPackage `com.symbol.datawedge`
11:48:21.576 LaserScanner                  I  Starting search on provider BluebirdProvider
11:48:21.577 IntentProvider                D  Provider BluebirdProvider: Checking intent `kr.co.bluebird.android.bbapi.action.BARCODE_OPEN`
11:48:21.577                               D  Provider ZebraDwProvider: AppPackage `com.symbol.datawedge` not found
11:48:21.577 LaserScanner                  I  Starting search on provider HoneywellOssIntegratedProvider
11:48:21.578 IntentProvider                D  Provider ZebraDwProvider not compatible
11:48:21.578                               D  Provider HoneywellOssIntegratedProvider: Checking intent `com.honeywell.decode.DecodeService`
11:48:21.578 LaserScanner                  I  Scanner provider ZebraDwProvider reports it is not compatible with the device and will be disabled
11:48:21.579 IntentProvider                D  Provider HoneywellOssIntegratedProvider: Intent `com.honeywell.decode.DecodeService` not found
11:48:21.580 LaserScanner                  I  Starting search on provider AthesiE5LProvider
11:48:21.580 IntentProvider                D  Provider AthesiE5LProvider: Checking specific devices `[RD50TE]`
11:48:21.580                               D  Provider AthesiE5LProvider not compatible
11:48:21.580 LaserScanner                  I  Scanner provider AthesiE5LProvider reports it is not compatible with the device and will be disabled
11:48:21.580                               I  Starting search on provider AthesiHHTProvider
11:48:21.580 IntentProvider                D  Provider AthesiHHTProvider: Checking specific devices `[SPA43LTE]`
11:48:21.580                               D  Provider AthesiHHTProvider not compatible
11:48:21.580 LaserScanner                  I  Scanner provider AthesiHHTProvider reports it is not compatible with the device and will be disabled
11:48:21.580 IntentProvider                D  Provider BluebirdProvider: Intent `kr.co.bluebird.android.bbapi.action.BARCODE_OPEN` not found
11:48:21.580                               D  Provider BluebirdProvider not compatible
11:48:21.581 LaserScanner                  I  Scanner provider BluebirdProvider reports it is not compatible with the device and will be disabled
11:48:21.582 IntentProvider                D  Provider HoneywellOssIntegratedProvider not compatible
11:48:21.582 LaserScanner                  I  Scanner provider HoneywellOssIntegratedProvider reports it is not compatible with the device and will be disabled
11:48:21.591 ScannerActivity               D  Scanner activity is created 122404906
11:48:21.613 CompatibilityChangeReporter   D  Compat change id reported: 171228096; UID 10271; state: ENABLED
11:48:21.631 ScannerActivity               D  Scanner activity is starting 122404906
11:48:21.632                               I  Scanner activity is resuming 122404906
11:48:21.632                               I  Resuming scanner activity with all scanning modes disabled
11:48:21.636 MobiprepActivity              I  Wifi is enabled
11:48:21.639 MainLoadingActivity           D  fillListView
11:48:21.647                               I  new position 0
11:48:21.648                               I  New selected consignment : 80200171338943382995
11:48:21.648                               I  new position 1
11:48:21.665 ScannerService                D  Status changed: CONNECTING --- Scanner is in the process of connecting
11:48:21.665                               D  Progress on connection of scanner null from ZebraDwProvider: No ZebraDwProvider scanners available.
11:48:21.665                               D  Status changed: CONNECTING --- Scanner is in the process of connecting
11:48:21.665                               D  Progress on connection of scanner null from AthesiE5LProvider: No AthesiE5LProvider scanners available.
11:48:21.665                               D  Status changed: CONNECTING --- Scanner is in the process of connecting
11:48:21.665                               D  Progress on connection of scanner null from AthesiHHTProvider: No AthesiHHTProvider scanners available.
11:48:21.666                               D  Status changed: CONNECTING --- Scanner is in the process of connecting
11:48:21.666                               D  Progress on connection of scanner null from BluebirdProvider: No BluebirdProvider scanners available.
11:48:21.666                               D  Status changed: CONNECTING --- Scanner is in the process of connecting
11:48:21.666                               D  Progress on connection of scanner null from HoneywellOssIntegratedProvider: No HoneywellOssIntegratedProvider scanners available.
11:48:21.666                               I  0 scanners from the different SDKs have reported for duty. Waiting for the initialization of 0 scanners.
11:48:21.666                               I  All found scanners have now ended their initialization (or failed to do so)
11:48:21.666                               D  Status changed: SERVICE_SDK_SEARCH_OVER --- All hardware scanner providers have reported for duty
11:48:21.690 AdrenoGLES-0                  I  QUALCOMM build                   : a3cdec2236, Ief33eea0db
                                              Build Date                       : 08/23/22
                                              OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.35.01.12
                                              Local Branch                     : 
                                              Remote Branch                    : 
                                              Remote Branch                    : 
                                              Reconstruct Branch               : 
11:48:21.690                               I  Build Config                     : S P 10.0.7 AArch64
11:48:21.691                               I  Driver Path                      : /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLESv2_adreno.so
11:48:21.694                               I  PFP: 0x016dc094, ME: 0x00000000
11:48:21.728 OpenGLRenderer                E  Unable to match the desired swap behavior.
11:48:21.856 Parcel                        W  Expecting binder but got null!
11:48:21.925 ScannerActivity               I  Scanner activity is being destroyed 204669791
11:48:50.823 geodis.mobiprep               W  Cleared Reference was only reachable from finalizer (only reported once)
11:48:50.831 System                        W  A resource failed to call close. 
12:12:45.713 geodis.mobiprep               I  Compiler allocated 4579KB to compile void android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals()
12:12:46.369 MainLoadingActivity           I  Consignment position has changed ? true
12:12:46.371                               I  New selected consignment : 90200173002746816999
12:12:46.372                               I  new position 0
12:12:47.660                               I  Action scan
12:12:47.680 ScannerActivity               I  Scanner activity is being paused 122404906
12:12:47.702                               D  Scanner activity is created 150536209
12:12:47.730 CameraManagerGlobal           I  Connecting to camera service
12:12:47.733 libc                          W  Access denied finding property "vendor.camera.aux.packagelist"
12:12:47.733                               W  Access denied finding property "vendor.camera.aux.packagelist"
12:12:47.734                               W  Access denied finding property "vendor.camera.aux.packagelist"
12:12:47.734                               W  Access denied finding property "vendor.camera.aux.packagelist"
12:12:47.739 BARCODE                       D  Creating camera view layout
12:12:47.743                               I  Analyser (ZBar) is ready inside pool
12:12:47.743                               I  Analyser (ZBar) is ready inside pool
12:12:47.743                               I  Analyser (ZBar) is ready inside pool
12:12:47.744                               I  Analyser (ZBar) is ready inside pool
12:12:47.744                               I  Analyser (ZBar) is ready inside pool
12:12:47.744                               I  Analyser (ZBar) is ready inside pool
12:12:47.744                               I  Analyser pool initialized with 6 threads
12:12:47.746                               D  Camera2 specific initialization start
12:12:47.746                               D  Starting background thread handler 106633254
12:12:47.747 ScannerActivity               I  Using camera version: com.enioka.scanner.camera.CameraBarcodeScanViewV2
12:12:47.775                               D  Scanner activity is starting 150536209
12:12:47.780                               I  Scanner activity is resuming 150536209
12:12:47.780                               I  Resuming scanner activity - scanners will be (re)connected
12:12:47.782 MobiprepActivity              I  Wifi is enabled
12:12:47.785 ParcelLoadingActivity         D  should dispay header : true
12:12:47.791                               I  original :1 - reduced : 1
12:12:47.800 ScannerActivity               D  Service is connected to activity
12:12:47.800 ScannerService                D  Registering new client: com.geodis.mobiprep.ParcelLoadingActivity@8f90011 150536209
12:12:47.800                               D  Notifying late clients that providers are already discovered
12:12:47.800                               D  Notifying late clients that scanners are already connected
12:12:47.800 ScannerActivity               I  Activity can now use all received scanners (0)
12:12:47.800                               I  Giving up on laser, going to camera
12:12:47.808 libc                          W  Access denied finding property "vendor.camera.aux.packagelist"
12:12:47.811 BARCODE                       D  Creating camera view layout
12:12:47.811                               I  Analyser (ZBar) is ready inside pool
12:12:47.812                               I  Analyser (ZBar) is ready inside pool
12:12:47.812                               I  Analyser (ZBar) is ready inside pool
12:12:47.812                               I  Analyser (ZBar) is ready inside pool
12:12:47.812                               I  Analyser (ZBar) is ready inside pool
12:12:47.812                               I  Analyser (ZBar) is ready inside pool
12:12:47.812                               I  Analyser pool initialized with 6 threads
12:12:47.813                               D  Camera2 specific initialization start
12:12:47.813                               D  Starting background thread handler 146149111
12:12:47.817 ScannerActivity               I  Using camera version: com.enioka.scanner.camera.CameraBarcodeScanViewV2
12:12:47.840 geodis.mobiprep               W  Reducing the number of considered missed Gc histogram windows from 144 to 100
12:12:47.869 OpenGLRenderer                E  Unable to match the desired swap behavior.
12:12:47.882 BARCODE                       I  Setting targeting rect at (left,top - right,bottom) Rect(108, 475 - 972, 664)
12:12:47.882                               I  Targeting view is positioned inside a w*h 1080*1140 view
12:12:47.882                               I  The preview surface view is at (top, left, bottom, right) 0,0 - 1140,1080
12:12:47.883                               I  Targeting overlay added
12:12:47.883                               D  Preview surface created, camera will be initialized soon 146149111
12:12:47.883 libc                          W  Access denied finding property "vendor.camera.aux.packagelist"
12:12:47.886 BARCODE                       D  INFO_SUPPORTED_HARDWARE_LEVEL UNKNOWN
12:12:47.886                               I  Camera supports flash: true
12:12:47.887                               I  Using memory limit (MB): 256
12:12:47.887                               I  Looking for the ideal preview resolution. View ratio is 1.0555556. (view is h*w 1140*1080)
12:12:47.887                               D    supports preview resolution 4608*2592 - 1.7777778
12:12:47.887                               D        Resolution is removed - it is higher than the maximum resolution configured in the view (1080)
12:12:47.887                               D    supports preview resolution 3840*2160 - 1.7777778
12:12:47.888                               D        Resolution is removed - it is higher than the maximum resolution configured in the view (1080)
12:12:47.888                               D    supports preview resolution 3264*2448 - 1.3333334
12:12:47.888                               D        Resolution is removed - it is higher than the maximum resolution configured in the view (1080)
12:12:47.888                               D    supports preview resolution 2560*1920 - 1.3333334
12:12:47.888                               D        Resolution is removed - it is higher than the maximum resolution configured in the view (1080)
12:12:47.888                               D    supports preview resolution 2304*1728 - 1.3333334
12:12:47.888                               D        Resolution is removed - it is higher than the maximum resolution configured in the view (1080)
12:12:47.888                               D    supports preview resolution 2304*1296 - 1.7777778
12:12:47.888                               D        Resolution is removed - it is higher than the maximum resolution configured in the view (1080)
12:12:47.888                               D    supports preview resolution 2048*1536 - 1.3333334
12:12:47.888                               D        Resolution is removed - it is higher than the maximum resolution configured in the view (1080)
12:12:47.888                               D    supports preview resolution 1920*1080 - 1.7777778
12:12:47.888                               D        Resolution is removed - ratio is distant from ideal ratio by 0.72 which is more than parameter 0.3
12:12:47.888                               D    supports preview resolution 1600*1200 - 1.3333334
12:12:47.888                               D        Resolution is removed - it is higher than the maximum resolution configured in the view (1080)
12:12:47.888                               D    supports preview resolution 1440*1080 - 1.3333334
12:12:47.888                               D    supports preview resolution 1280*960 - 1.3333334
12:12:47.888                               D    supports preview resolution 1280*768 - 1.6666666
12:12:47.888                               D        Resolution is removed - ratio is distant from ideal ratio by 0.61 which is more than parameter 0.3
12:12:47.888                               D    supports preview resolution 1280*720 - 1.7777778
12:12:47.888                               D        Resolution is removed - ratio is distant from ideal ratio by 0.72 which is more than parameter 0.3
12:12:47.889                               D    supports preview resolution 864*480 - 1.8
12:12:47.889                               D        Resolution is removed - ratio is distant from ideal ratio by 0.74 which is more than parameter 0.3
12:12:47.889                               D    supports preview resolution 800*600 - 1.3333334
12:12:47.889                               D    supports preview resolution 800*480 - 1.6666666
12:12:47.889                               D        Resolution is removed - ratio is distant from ideal ratio by 0.61 which is more than parameter 0.3
12:12:47.889                               D    supports preview resolution 720*480 - 1.5
12:12:47.889                               D        Resolution is removed - ratio is distant from ideal ratio by 0.44 which is more than parameter 0.3
12:12:47.889                               D    supports preview resolution 640*480 - 1.3333334
12:12:47.889                               D    supports preview resolution 640*400 - 1.6
12:12:47.889                               D        Resolution is removed - ratio is distant from ideal ratio by 0.54 which is more than parameter 0.3
12:12:47.889                               D    supports preview resolution 640*360 - 1.7777778
12:12:47.889                               D        Resolution is removed - ratio is distant from ideal ratio by 0.72 which is more than parameter 0.3
12:12:47.889                               D    supports preview resolution 352*288 - 1.2222222
12:12:47.889                               D    supports preview resolution 320*240 - 1.3333334
12:12:47.889                               D    supports preview resolution 240*320 - 0.75
12:12:47.889                               D        Resolution is removed - ratio is distant from ideal ratio by 0.31 which is more than parameter 0.3
12:12:47.889                               D    supports preview resolution 176*144 - 1.2222222
12:12:47.890                               V  Allowed preview sizes (acceptable ratio): 
12:12:47.890                               V    176*144 - 1.2222222
12:12:47.890                               V    320*240 - 1.3333334
12:12:47.890                               V    352*288 - 1.2222222
12:12:47.890                               V    640*480 - 1.3333334
12:12:47.890                               V    800*600 - 1.3333334
12:12:47.890                               V    1280*960 - 1.3333334
12:12:47.890                               V    1440*1080 - 1.3333334
12:12:47.890                               I  Camera uses preview resolution: 1440*1080
12:12:47.891                               I  Camera uses FPS range: [10, 30]
12:12:47.891                               I  Using AF mode: CONTROL_AF_MODE_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE
12:12:47.892                               I  Supported autofocus zones: 1
12:12:47.892                               I  Using AB mode: CONTROL_AE_ANTIBANDING_MODE_AUTO
12:12:47.892                               I  Selected camera id: 0
12:12:47.893                               I  surface changed 146149111
12:12:47.894 SurfaceSyncer                 E  Failed to find sync for id=0
12:12:47.903 Parcel                        W  Expecting binder but got null!
12:12:47.907 BARCODE                       I  Left: 0 - Top : 475 - Right: 1080 - bottom: 664
12:12:47.907                               I  target was laid out
12:12:47.921                               D  Torch status has changed to: false
12:12:47.921                               D  Trying to open camera from CameraManager 146149111
12:12:47.923 libc                          W  Access denied finding property "persist.vendor.camera.privapp.list"
12:12:47.927                               W  Access denied finding property "vendor.camera.aux.packagelist"
12:12:47.927                               W  Access denied finding property "vendor.camera.aux.packagelist"
12:12:47.934 BARCODE                       D  Camera device not ready yet
12:12:47.934                               V  CameraDevice.StateCallback.onOpened 146149111
12:12:47.934                               I  Initializing or reinitializing preview analysis loop
12:12:47.935                               D  Capture session creation begins
12:12:47.939                               I  surface changed 146149111
12:12:48.011                               D  Configuration request sent
12:12:48.011                               D  Preview analysis loop start method done
12:12:48.011                               D  Image reader already created
12:12:48.011                               I  Capture session is now configured and will start the capture request loop 146149111
12:12:48.012                               D  Using metering zone (670,490) (770,590)
12:12:48.013                               D  Setting AF mode to 4
12:12:48.015                               I  Camera repeating capture request was set up 146149111
12:12:48.015                               D  Capture session has nothing to process 146149111
12:12:48.015                               D  Capture session is getting active 146149111
12:12:48.341                               D  Creating new buffer (MB) 1 count is 1
12:12:48.404                               D  FPS: 1.0031678E-4 - Pool size: 6. Current analysis queue depth: 0. Current res: 1440*1080. Statistics are: {}
12:12:48.475 ScannerActivity               I  Scanner activity is 
marcanpilami commented 11 months ago

This is weird. We have tested on a TC27 without issue. Are you sure you have not disabled to DW service between tests?

If it is enabled, can you list the installed packages on your TC27 device? ./adb shell pm list packages -u symbol should work

Also of interest to us: ./adb shell pm dump com.symbol.datawedge

Finally: what is the target SDK version of your app?

marcanpilami commented 11 months ago

Forget about it. It's a permission issue for 33+ apps. You could add an entry to the query section of your manifest, or simply upgrade to version 2.3.10, incoming in a few minutes.