enisn / Xamarin.Forms.InputKit

CheckBox, Radio Button, Labeled Slider, Dropdowns etc.
MIT License
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Rel 4.2 radiobutton checkbox enhancements #350

Closed pikausp closed 1 year ago

pikausp commented 1 year ago

This PR covers the proposals from https://github.com/enisn/Xamarin.Forms.InputKit/issues/348#issue-1664894369 with the exception of FontFamily. I noticed the property was there already and I don't see a need for databinding.

I turned the Value property of RadioButton into bindable to make something like the following possible

<input:RadioButtonGroupView BindableLayout.ItemsSource="{Binding Items}"
                            BindableLayout.ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ItemTemplate}"
                            SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
enisn commented 1 year ago

Perfectly done!

Thanks for your contribution 🎉