enjalot / blockbuilder

Create, fork and edit d3.js code snippets for use with bl.ocks.org right in the browser, no terminal required.
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[code editor] Font size #251

Open harold opened 4 years ago

harold commented 4 years ago

First, thanks for this awesome project, it's legit.

This block has both a .html file and a .csv file:

On my screen, when editing the html file, the text is really big, and I'd like to be able to shrink it to see more code on the screen at once.

Interestingly, when editing the csv file, the text is more normal size.

I experimented with using browser zoom to shrink the code, but that shrinks the output too, which is undesirable in some cases.

Anyway, independent control over the font size in the text editors would be nice.

Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.