enjarai / mini-tardis

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[Feature Request] A way to call TARDIS to your location #21

Open XaaRii opened 3 weeks ago

XaaRii commented 3 weeks ago

First, I must say your mod is really really good! It looks so simple and yet so powerful, we love it! If there is one feature that I could suggest, it would probably be a way to call your TARDIS somewhere nearby. It would be a great way to get out of a sticky situation (eg. when a friend flies away and leaves you 40k blocks away from your base).

I've seen you implement lodestone-like behavior to the exterior. Maybe a compass linked to it could be used to "call for help"? It could make you wait a random time (1-5min), then land/crash somewhere nearby (in a range of 500 blocks, perhaps?). Since it drove by itself, it could either be in a "crashed" state or at least with depleted artron and stability when it arrives. That adds a little bit of balancing without being annoying. About crossing dimensions, that would still only work if the dimension itself was already saved before (or disabled completely, to be more consistent with the rest of the mod).

This is just an idea, that would (in my humble opinion) add to the "completeness" of this mod. I'd love to hear your opinion on this matter! Also, as a fellow programmer I would gladly help but I haven't touched java in my life yet (plus there's a ton of other projects weighting me down already :( ).