enjoy-digital / litedram

Small footprint and configurable DRAM core
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Simulation issue, Arty S7 (Beginner) #309

Closed TheAnimatrix closed 2 years ago

TheAnimatrix commented 2 years ago

I've generated a DDR3 core with litedram_gen examples/arty.yml

my arty.yml is as follows

    # General ------------------------------------------------------------------
    "speedgrade": -1,          # FPGA speedgrade
    "cpu":        "None",  # CPU type (ex vexriscv, serv, None)
    "memtype":    "DDR3",      # DRAM type

    # PHY ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    "cmd_latency":     0,             # Command additional latency
    "sdram_module":    "MT41K64M16", # SDRAM modules of the board or SO-DIMM
    "sdram_module_nb": 2,             # Number of byte groups
    "sdram_rank_nb":   1,             # Number of ranks
    "sdram_phy":       "A7DDRPHY",    # Type of FPGA PHY

    # Electrical ---------------------------------------------------------------
    "rtt_nom": "60ohm",  # Nominal termination
    "rtt_wr":  "60ohm",  # Write termination
    "ron":     "34ohm",  # Output driver impedance

    # Frequency ----------------------------------------------------------------
    "input_clk_freq":   100e6, # Input clock frequency
    "sys_clk_freq":     100e6, # System clock frequency (DDR_clk = 4 x sys_clk)
    "iodelay_clk_freq": 200e6, # IODELAYs reference clock frequency

    # Core ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    "cmd_buffer_depth": 16,    # Depth of the command buffer

    # User Ports ---------------------------------------------------------------
    "user_ports": {
        "native_0" : {
            "type": "native",
            "block_until_ready": False,

I find that when i simulate the output module litedram_core.v with vivado and a simple testbench which just deasserts reset after 1000ns, that init_done and init_error are never asserted.

I've simulated 600us and all the module does is Precharge and Refresh every 7-8us. Where is the mode register initialization ? ZQ Calibration etc ? Do i need to generate a cpu for this ? How can i do it without a cpu ?

Am i missing something ? I'm very new here so i'm still trying to figure stuff out, help is appreciated. Thanks.

TheAnimatrix commented 2 years ago

I've simulated it with a ddr3 model i got from micron.

rowanG077 commented 2 years ago

The standalone core needs you to manually run the initialization sequence.

TheAnimatrix commented 2 years ago

How do i do that ?

rowanG077 commented 2 years ago

The initialization is usually done by software running on a softcore. The code that does it is here: https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litex/blob/master/litex/soc/software/liblitedram/sdram.c

TheAnimatrix commented 2 years ago

If i were to initialize with the vexriscV cpu, how would i simulate the same ? Would it be automatic provided i load the litedram_core_rom.init into the cpu ?

I'm assuming litedram_core_rom.init is sdram.c but compiled

I'm attempting to try and do the minimal required to properly initialize this and finding documentation has been really difficult :(

rowanG077 commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately I have never simulated the core so I can't really answer how to do it. If I were you I would try to understand the unit tests: https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litedram/tree/master/test

They do simulate the core so it's definitely possible.

TheAnimatrix commented 2 years ago
  1. How do i generate a core with the smallest processor (serv?) just for calibrating the dram and then obtain control of the dram's interface for the actual read/write's from my custom logic. I generated a build from litex-boards/arty-s7.py but it doesn't seem to expose the dram's interface, just the ports for external constraints.

  2. The dram seems to generate 2 ports, one wishbone by default and another based on requirement that can be native, axi or wishbone. If i'm right the first port is to program the controller's registers for calibration and the second port is for the actual usage right ?

TheAnimatrix commented 2 years ago

For those who have similar beginner issues, feel free to contact me -> frustratymous@gmail.com

dinaabdelbaky commented 1 year ago

@TheAnimatrix Could you please share your findings, I am facing the same issue and I am stuck, it would be great if you share how you managed to carry out the init_seq manually. Thanks in advance!