enjoy-digital / liteeth

Small footprint and configurable Ethernet core
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Unable to simulate generated liteeth core #155

Closed ameetgohil closed 9 months ago

ameetgohil commented 9 months ago

Both Vivado sim and icarus are unable get past time 0. I get the following error in vivado FATAL_ERROR: Iteration limit 10000 is reached. Possible zero delay oscillation detected where simulation time can not advance. Please check your source code. Note that the iteration limit can be changed using switch -maxdeltaid. Time: 0 ps Iteration: 10000

Gen yml file:

# PHY ----------------------------------------------------------------------
phy:        LiteEthPHYRMII
vendor:     xilinx
toolchain:  vivado
# Core ---------------------------------------------------------------------
clk_freq:   50e6
core:       udp
data_width: 32
endianness: big

udp_ports: {
  "udp0": {
    "data_width": 32,
    "tx_fifo_depth": 1024,
    "rx_fifo_depth": 1024,
  "udp1": {
    "data_width": 32,
    "tx_fifo_depth": 1024,
    "rx_fifo_depth": 1024,

Minimal testbench to reproduce to the issue:

module tb;

logic clk, rst;
liteeth_core dut

initial begin
    clk = 0;
    forever #10ns clk = ~clk;

initial begin
    rst = 1;
    repeat(10) @(posedge clk);
    rst = 0;
    repeat(10000) @(posedge clk);


It seems like both icarus and vivado simulators have an issue with the following lines of code.

 if (mac_packetizer_is_ongoing2) begin
        mac_packetizer_sink_ready <= (~mac_packetizer_sink_valid);
if (arp_tx_packetizer_is_ongoing2) begin
     arp_tx_packetizer_sink_ready <= (~arp_tx_packetizer_sink_valid);
if (ip_tx_packetizer_is_ongoing2) begin
     ip_tx_packetizer_sink_ready <= (~ip_tx_packetizer_sink_valid);
 if (icmp_tx_packetizer_is_ongoing2) begin
      icmp_tx_packetizer_sink_ready <= (~icmp_tx_packetizer_sink_valid);
if (tx_packetizer_is_ongoing2) begin
          tx_packetizer_sink_ready <= (~tx_packetizer_sink_valid);

If you comment these lines, the simulator starts advancing again.

rowanG077 commented 9 months ago

I think this is the same issue reported here: https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litex/issues/1841

See https://github.com/steveicarus/iverilog/issues/1028 for some background on why it doesn't work.

ameetgohil commented 9 months ago

Thanks! I used a sed command to replace all the always @(*) to always_comb and switched file extension to .sv With this, Vivado sim was able resolve the signal being set and read in the same process. sed -i 's/always @(\*)/always_comb/g' filename