enjoy-digital / litescope

Small footprint and configurable embedded FPGA logic analyzer
160 stars 38 forks source link

Getting empty wave forms #28

Closed 20Mhz closed 3 years ago

20Mhz commented 3 years ago

Hi there, I'm trying to add litescope to the fomu. I'm starting from the fomu-workshop example and then adding litescope like below:

class LiteScopeSoC(BaseSoC):
    def __init__(self,args, usb_bridge):
        #platform = arty.Platform()

        # BaseSoC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        BaseSoC.__init__(self, args.board, pnr_seed=args.seed, pnr_placer=args.placer, usb_bridge=usb_bridge)
        #    integrated_rom_size = 0x8000,
        #    with_etherbone      = True,

        # LiteScope Analyzer -----------------------------------------------------------------------
        count = Signal(8)
        self.sync += count.eq(count + 1)
        analyzer_signals = [
        from litescope import LiteScopeAnalyzer
        self.submodules.analyzer = LiteScopeAnalyzer(analyzer_signals,
            depth        = 1024,
            clock_domain = "sys",
            csr_csv      = "analyzer.csv")

def main():
    #soc = BaseSoC(args.board, pnr_seed=args.seed, pnr_placer=args.placer, usb_bridge=True)
    soc = LiteScopeSoC(args,usb_bridge=True)

litescope seems responsive and trigger seem to hit, however waveforms are empty: csr_register,analyzer_trigger_done,0x00003008,1,ro

[Sun Aug 23 19:37:16 ronaldv@Ronalds-MBP16:~/Projects/repositories/fomu-workshop/litex ] $ wishbone-tool 0x00003008
INFO [wishbone_tool::bridge::usb] opened USB device device 007 on bus 020
Value at 00003008: 00000001
Exited MemoryAccess thread
 litescope_cli -v soc_count 0 --offset 0 --length 512
Exact: soc_count
Exact: soc_count
Condition: soc_count == 0

[writing to dump.vcd]...


[Sun Aug 23 19:39:47 ronaldv@Ronalds-MBP16:~/Projects/repositories/fomu-workshop/litex ] $ cat dump.vcd
    2020-08-23 19:36
$timescale 1ps $end
$scope 1ps $end
$var wire 1 ! soc_usb_iobuf_usb_pullup $end
$var wire 1 " soc_usb_iobuf_usb_tx_en $end
$var wire 1 # soc_usb_iobuf_usb_p_tx $end
$var wire 1 $ soc_usb_iobuf_usb_p_rx $end
$var wire 1 % por_clk $end
$var wire 8 & soc_count $end
$var wire 1 ' scope_clk $end
$unscope  $end
$enddefinitions  $end
bx !
bx "
bx #
bx $
bx %
bxxxxxxxx &
bx '

Not sure if related, but length register seems to have constant zero:


[Sun Aug 23 19:36:34 ronaldv@Ronalds-MBP16:~/Projects/repositories/fomu-workshop/litex ] $ wishbone-tool 0x00003034
INFO [wishbone_tool::bridge::usb] opened USB device device 007 on bus 020
Value at 00003034: 00000000
Exited MemoryAccess thread
enjoy-digital commented 3 years ago

Hi @20Mhz, thanks for the feedback, this has been fixed with https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litescope/commit/bd1013812434b31a21c50946b8fd3f982126a7cd.