Open mohamedElbouazzati opened 6 months ago
Hi there, I have same issue. However openocd doesn't detect debug module's TAP. Could you share your openocd configurations? Thx
Hi @coolderin,
I'm using this one sw/app/openocd_digilent_hs2.cfg from cva6-softcore-contest repo.
Hi, Thanks for the configuration.My mistake was I tried the implement Debug Module outside from CPU. You implement the Debug Module inside the CPU. Now I have several issues First modified openocd configuration.
interface remote_bitbang
remote_bitbang_host localhost
remote_bitbang_port 44853
reset_config none
transport select jtag
reset_config none
# TAP declaration
set _CHIPNAME riscv
jtag newtap $_CHIPNAME cpu -irlen 5 -expected-id 0x249511C3
#target create $_TARGETNAME riscv -chain-position $_TARGETNAME -coreid 0
gdb_report_data_abort enable
gdb_report_register_access_error enable
#riscv set_reset_timeout_sec 120
#riscv set_command_timeout_sec 120
# prefer to use sba for system bus access
#riscv set_prefer_sba on
log_output openocd_log_without_Target.txt
# dump jtag chain
echo "Ready for Remote Connections"
1) Prefering system bus access causes error in openocd.
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.12.0+dev-03811-g568baf8c0 (2024-06-08-16:42)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
DEPRECATED! use 'adapter driver' not 'interface'
DEPRECATED! use 'remote_bitbang host' not 'remote_bitbang_host'
DEPRECATED! use 'remote_bitbang port' not 'remote_bitbang_port'
riscv authdata_read [index]
riscv authdata_write [index] value
riscv dm_read reg_address
riscv dm_write reg_address value
riscv dmi_read address
riscv dmi_write address value
riscv dump_sample_buf [base64]
riscv etrigger set [vs] [vu] [m] [s] [u] <exception_codes>|clear
riscv exec_progbuf instr1 [instr2 [... instr16]]
riscv expose_csrs n0[-m0|=name0][,n1[-m1|=name1]]...
riscv expose_custom n0[-m0|=name0][,n1[-m1|=name1]]...
riscv hide_csrs {n0|n-m0}[,n1|n-m1]......
riscv icount set [vs] [vu] [m] [s] [u] [pending] <count>|clear
riscv info
riscv itrigger set [vs] [vu] [nmi] [m] [s] [u] <mie_bits>|clear
riscv memory_sample bucket address|clear [size=4]
riscv repeat_read count address [size=4]
riscv reset_delays [wait]
riscv resume_order normal|reversed
riscv set_bscan_tunnel_ir value
riscv set_command_timeout_sec [sec]
riscv set_ebreakm [on|off]
riscv set_ebreaks [on|off]
riscv set_ebreaku [on|off]
riscv set_enable_trigger_feature [('eq'|'napot'|'ge_lt'|'all')
riscv set_enable_virt2phys on|off
riscv set_enable_virtual on|off
riscv set_ir [idcode|dtmcs|dmi] value
riscv set_maskisr ['off'|'steponly']
riscv set_mem_access method1 [method2] [method3]
riscv set_reset_timeout_sec [sec]
riscv use_bscan_tunnel value [type]
riscv.cpu arm
riscv.cpu arm semihosting ['enable'|'disable']
riscv.cpu arm semihosting_basedir [dir]
riscv.cpu arm semihosting_cmdline arguments
riscv.cpu arm semihosting_fileio ['enable'|'disable']
riscv.cpu arm semihosting_read_user_param
riscv.cpu arm semihosting_redirect (disable | tcp <port>
riscv.cpu arm semihosting_resexit ['enable'|'disable']
riscv.cpu arp_examine ['allow-defer']
riscv.cpu arp_halt
riscv.cpu arp_halt_gdb
riscv.cpu arp_poll
riscv.cpu arp_reset 'assert'|'deassert' halt
riscv.cpu arp_waitstate statename timeoutmsecs
riscv.cpu cget target_attribute
riscv.cpu configure [target_attribute ...]
riscv.cpu curstate
riscv.cpu debug_reason
riscv.cpu eventlist
riscv.cpu examine_deferred
riscv.cpu get_reg list
riscv.cpu invoke-event event_name
riscv.cpu mdb address [count]
riscv.cpu mdd address [count]
riscv.cpu mdh address [count]
riscv.cpu mdw address [count]
riscv.cpu mwb address data [count]
riscv.cpu mwd address data [count]
riscv.cpu mwh address data [count]
riscv.cpu mww address data [count]
riscv.cpu read_memory address width count ['phys']
riscv.cpu riscv
riscv.cpu riscv authdata_read [index]
riscv.cpu riscv authdata_write [index] value
riscv.cpu riscv dm_read reg_address
riscv.cpu riscv dm_write reg_address value
riscv.cpu riscv dmi_read address
riscv.cpu riscv dmi_write address value
riscv.cpu riscv dump_sample_buf [base64]
riscv.cpu riscv etrigger set [vs] [vu] [m] [s] [u]
riscv.cpu riscv exec_progbuf instr1 [instr2 [... instr16]]
riscv.cpu riscv expose_csrs n0[-m0|=name0][,n1[-m1|=name1]]...
riscv.cpu riscv expose_custom n0[-m0|=name0][,n1[-m1|=name1]]...
riscv.cpu riscv hide_csrs {n0|n-m0}[,n1|n-m1]......
riscv.cpu riscv icount set [vs] [vu] [m] [s] [u] [pending]
riscv.cpu riscv info
riscv.cpu riscv itrigger set [vs] [vu] [nmi] [m] [s] [u]
riscv.cpu riscv memory_sample bucket address|clear [size=4]
riscv.cpu riscv repeat_read count address [size=4]
riscv.cpu riscv reset_delays [wait]
riscv.cpu riscv resume_order normal|reversed
riscv.cpu riscv set_bscan_tunnel_ir value
riscv.cpu riscv set_command_timeout_sec [sec]
riscv.cpu riscv set_ebreakm [on|off]
riscv.cpu riscv set_ebreaks [on|off]
riscv.cpu riscv set_ebreaku [on|off]
riscv.cpu riscv set_enable_trigger_feature
[('eq'|'napot'|'ge_lt'|'all') ('wp'|'none')]
riscv.cpu riscv set_enable_virt2phys on|off
riscv.cpu riscv set_enable_virtual on|off
riscv.cpu riscv set_ir [idcode|dtmcs|dmi] value
riscv.cpu riscv set_maskisr ['off'|'steponly']
riscv.cpu riscv set_mem_access method1 [method2] [method3]
riscv.cpu riscv set_reset_timeout_sec [sec]
riscv.cpu riscv use_bscan_tunnel value [type]
riscv.cpu set_reg dict
riscv.cpu smp [on|off]
riscv.cpu smp_gdb
riscv.cpu was_examined
riscv.cpu write_memory address width data ['phys']
openocd.cfg:25: Error:
in procedure 'script'
at file "embedded:startup.tcl", line 28
at file "openocd.cfg", line 25
Error: [riscv.cpu] Unsupported DTM version: -1
Error: [riscv.cpu] Could not identify target type.
2) When I disable prefer_sba_access (make this line comment), i got error like yours. openocd_log.txt
3) If i disable target creation and other riscv commands i can't communicate with TAP. openocd_log_without_Target.txt
I think maybe cpu/ debug module doesn't have any hardware thread (?). Does this CPU have to need a trigger module?
Update: We can define debug module in target soc's python module. My problem was i should define the reset pin was 1'b1. Reset works active low.
Hello @enjoy-digital,
I wanted to utilize the risc-v debug module provided in
withinlitex/litex/soc/cores/cpu/cv32e40p However, I encountered an issue when running OpenOCD:Error: [riscv.cpu] Unable to halt. dmcontrol=0x80000001, dmstatus=0x00000c82
Could you please confirm whether I am missing something? Below are further details regarding the integration of the debug module in, the target file, and the OpenOCD output.debug module RTL
Error from openocd
Error: [riscv.cpu] Unsupported DTM version: -1 Error: [riscv.cpu] Could not identify target type