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Debugging LiteX / VexRiscv with Verilator / OpenOCD / GDB #676

Closed lindemer closed 3 years ago

lindemer commented 3 years ago

Is it possible to load a binary onto an emulated LiteX / VexRiscv SoC in Verilator and debug it with GDB? If so, is there a tutorial on how to do this? I'm new to the LiteX ecosystem, and I see that lxsim has a --sim-debug flag, but I can't find any documentation on it. (I would like to do a cycle-accurate simulation of Zephyr RTOS with a custom VexRiscv plugin.)

Dolu1990 commented 3 years ago

I don't know if there is a TCP to JTAG bridge in litex, but in case of, there is how it can be done in SpinalSim : https://github.com/SpinalHDL/SpinalHDL/blob/cd04d9c3b06f82d18c28db9f82f7925276f41745/lib/src/main/scala/spinal/lib/com/jtag/sim/JtagTcp.scala#L10

You just need to open a TCP socket, apply each byte to the JTAG pin directly, and eventualy send back the TDO value as a byte

mithro commented 3 years ago

@tcal-x You had this question to right?

tcal-x commented 3 years ago

@mithro I haven't yet had a need to dive into Verilator simulation, but it is useful to know that it exists. I'd more likely use Verilator for collecting waveforms, but instead use Renode + custom instructions for functional debugging if the new instructions can be handled by the extension capability.

tcal-x commented 3 years ago

@mithro I haven't yet had a need to dive into Verilator simulation, but it is useful to know that it exists. I'd more likely use Verilator for collecting waveforms, but instead use Renode + custom instructions for functional debugging if the new instructions can be handled by the extension capability.

...although if I can't find the problem using Renode, then I'd need to get down to this level of detail -- debugging on the actual Verilog implementation using Verilator and the debug bridge with GDB.

lindemer commented 3 years ago

@enjoy-digital Is there any documentation on this available? The only information I can find is here https://github.com/timvideos/litex-buildenv/wiki/Debugging but I couldn't get this to work on my Arty board. After the load command in GDB, the connection appears to break (i.e., I can't read memory or run continue).

tcal-x commented 3 years ago

Hi @lindemer , I replied to you on VexRiscv Gitter, but I have one more comment. I see the instructions that you pointed to don't use wishbone-tool. Wishbone-tool is useful for wrapping the openOCD command and making it simpler to use.

From my notes, here is the set of things that I ran, using etherbone:

I don't (yet) have any experience debugging with a Verilator simulation.

lindemer commented 3 years ago

@tcal-x This is exactly what I'm looking for - had no idea wishbone-tool existed. Won't be able to test this until I'm back from the holidays, but thanks a lot for the tutorial.

tcal-x commented 3 years ago

I should have added these earlier:

Also, there is a section in the Fomu workshop that describes using wishbone-tool's gdb bridge:

lindemer commented 3 years ago

@tcal-x wishbone-tool throws this error when I follow your instructions:

Error: "invalid configuration: invalid ethernet address: io error invalid socket address"

I also tried running lxsim --cpu-type=vexriscv --cpu-variant=secure+debug --with-etherbone instead of using the FPGA but I get the same result, even though lxsim has automatically generated a new network interface with address Have you encountered this problem?

tcal-x commented 3 years ago

@lindemer try doing ip addr to make sure the network interface is set up correctly.

I don't recall seeing that error.

Are you building your own wishbone-tool?

lindemer commented 3 years ago

@tcal-x I'm using a USB-Ethernet dongle and as far as I can tell everything's configured as it should be. I installed the latest Rust compiler and built wishbone-tool from source.

$ ip addr

3: enx00249b284adc: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 00:24:9b:28:4a:dc brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet scope global enx00249b284adc
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

$ ip route

default via dev enp0s3 proto dhcp metric 100 dev enp0s3 proto kernel scope link src metric 100 dev enp0s3 scope link metric 1000 dev enx00249b284adc proto kernel scope link src
lindemer commented 3 years ago

@kgugala I'm still getting the same error message from wishbone-tool described above after pulling your fix for this in https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litex/pull/774. Any ideas?

tcal-x commented 3 years ago

Hi @lindemer , I just tried running it again, on Arty, using an soc built with --use-etherbone, and cpu_variant="full+debug". It works, although a bit flakey, but I don't see the error you mention. So let me dump what I did, and we can see if we missed anything.

sudo ip link set dev enx9cebe8612341 down
sudo ip addr add dev enx9cebe8612341
sudo ip link set dev enx9cebe8612341 up

Note: I noticed my wireless interface was already using 192.168.1.x, so I switched to a different network in my home.

$ ip addr
6: enx9cebe8612341: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 9c:eb:e8:61:23:41 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet scope global enx9cebe8612341
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

$ ip route dev enx9cebe8612341 proto kernel scope link src 

Wow, almost identical to yours.

Then I run wishbone tool and see the expected response:

$ ~/bin/wishbone-tool --ethernet-host -s gdb
INFO [wishbone_tool::server] accepting gdb connections on

I'm using a top Python script for LiteX that's custom, but I don't know how that would allow it to work for me and not you. I'll see if I can generate a "pure" LiteX SoC and get it to work, time allowing.

tcal-x commented 3 years ago

EDIT: The previous version of the comment said that wishbone-tool wasn't working with a pure LiteX build, but it was my mistake: I had forgotten to kill the wishbone-tool connection from my "working" build, so when I tried to build with pure LiteX and connect, the old wishbone-tool connection was blocking my new attempt at connecting with wishbone-tool.

After killing the old wishbone-tool connection, the new connection with -s gdb did work as above, giving the accepting gdb connections message.

I had build using pure LiteX (with litex_setup.py), after updating all of the repos: ./arty.py --cpu-type=vexriscv --cpu-variant=full+debug --with-etherbone --build --load.

lindemer commented 3 years ago

@tcal-x Really appreciate all your help on this. So I've updated LiteX and run the commands you suggested, and I can now at least ping the board at, which is an improvement. I'm still getting the same invalid socket error from wishbone-tool, though.

I built the tool from source with the latest Rust/Cargo... any chance you're using an older version of it?

tcal-x commented 3 years ago

@lindemer , I'm using a locally-built wishbone-tool; I'm at this commit:

commit 8d1e09b807a7a79ebc1fc2dee8d40a208c788a5b (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Merge: f00e82a b9531c0
Author: Sean Cross <sean@xobs.io>
Date:   Wed Nov 25 10:46:43 2020 +0800

    Merge pull request #34 from betrusted-io/master

    change the csr.csv register for the CPU reboot after USB update

Hmm, have you checked your firewall settings?

enjoy-digital commented 3 years ago

Closing since has been answered. This has been labelled as add-answer-to-wiki and answer will be added to Wiki.