enjoyneering / AHTxx

This is an Arduino library for Aosong ASAIR AHT1x, AHT2x Digital Humidity & Temperature Sensor
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M5StickCPlus sensors conflicts with last AHTxx version. All reads are blocked #11

Closed hpsaturn closed 1 year ago

hpsaturn commented 1 year ago


I'm using this library in my project with a wrapper that I wrote, CanAirIO Sensors Library. With the old version, AHT10 library and using other sensors at the same time, it was working fine in this device. With the new version, AHTxx library, it blocks the other sensors reads. In this wrapper we have charged multiple sensors libraries and we try to auto-recognize all because we have different devices and sensor configurations. In the previous version, when I had AHT10 initialization without any AHT sensor connected, it was working fine and don't block the other sensors.

More details please review here

enjoyneering commented 1 year ago

I'll take a look. thank you.

enjoyneering commented 1 year ago

Hi hpsaturn,

Try to change clock stretch to 50ms (AHTxx default is 1ms) and let me know? Change this code to the code below.

void Sensors::aht10Init() {
    aht10 = AHTxx(AHTXX_ADDRESS_X38, AHT1x_SENSOR);
    if (!aht10.begin(21, 22, 100000, 50000)) return; //21=SDA, 22=SCL, 100000=i2c speed 100KHz, 50000=clock stretch 50ms


void Sensors::aht10Init() {
    aht10 = AHTxx(AHTXX_ADDRESS_X38, AHT1x_SENSOR);
    if (!aht10.begin()) return;
    Wire.setTimeout(50); //50=clock stretch 50ms
enjoyneering commented 1 year ago

Also use the macro AHTXX_USE_READ_DATA on the second read. This saves time because the temperature reading is already in the library buffer after the humidity reading. Change this code to the code below.

void Sensors::aht10Read() {
    float humi1 = aht10.readHumidity(AHTXX_FORCE_READ_DATA); //AHTXX_FORCE_READ_DATA=read 6-bytes via I2C, takes 80 milliseconds
    float temp1 = aht10.readTemperature(AHTXX_USE_READ_DATA); //AHTXX_USE_READ_DATA=use 6-bytes from humidity reading, takes zero milliseconds!!!
    if (humi1 != 255) humi = humi1;
    if (temp1 != 255) {
        temp = temp1-toffset;
        dataReady = true;
        DEBUG("-->[SLIB] AHT10 read\t\t: done!");
hpsaturn commented 1 year ago


Thanks for your help, is working now using these implementations:

void Sensors::aht10Init() {
    aht10 = AHTxx(AHTXX_ADDRESS_X38, AHT1x_SENSOR);
    #ifdef M5STICKCPLUS // issue: https://github.com/enjoyneering/AHTxx/issues/11
    if(!aht10.begin(32, 33, 100000, 50000)) return;
    if (!aht10.begin()) return; 

void Sensors::aht10Read() {
    float temp1 = aht10.readTemperature(AHTXX_USE_READ_DATA);
    if (temp1 != AHTXX_ERROR) { 
        float humi1 = aht10.readHumidity(AHTXX_FORCE_READ_DATA);
        if (humi1 != AHTXX_ERROR) humi = humi1;
        temp = temp1-toffset;
        dataReady = true;
        DEBUG("-->[SLIB] AHT10 read\t\t: done!");


10:33:22.834 > -->[WIFI] AP RSSI signal         : -75 dBm
10:33:22.838 > -->[HEAP] LOOP bytes used        : 1756b/052Kb
10:33:23.254 > -->[MQTT] mqtt.anaire.org        : connected!
10:33:27.726 > -->[SLIB] GCJA5 read             : done! 
10:33:27.730 > -->[SLIB] AM2320 read            : done! 
10:33:27.770 > -->[SLIB] SHT31 read             : done! 
10:33:27.774 > -->[SLIB] BMP280 read            : done! 
10:33:27.778 > -->[SLIB] Preview sensors values : PM1:3.0 PM2.5:4.0 PM10:5.0 T:28.3 H:58.4 P:1020.1 Alt:-57.1 
10:33:27.786 > -->[SLIB] Sensors devices count  : 4 (GCJA5,BMP280,AM232X,SHT31,)
10:33:27.794 > -->[SLIB] Sensors units count    : 7 (PM1,PM2.5,PM10,T,H,P,Alt,)

The alternative Wire.setTimeout(50); fails a lot, conflicts with GCJA5 sensor and return FF on temperature from BME680 sensor.


enjoyneering commented 1 year ago


I also have SCD30 library with tons of fetures. It has the same issue as AHTxx - default clock strech is 1ms.