enjoythecode / strate.gg

A hobby project dedicated to the play and exploration of various abstract strategy board games.
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Add time controls #35

Open enjoythecode opened 2 years ago

enjoythecode commented 2 years ago

Games should have time control: each player starts with some given amount of time and a bonus time per move (potentially 0). This time counts down while they are on the move. Game is lost when a players time is up.

Design document needed to scope this feature and consider implementation strategies.

enjoythecode commented 2 years ago

Design document should include:

enjoythecode commented 2 years ago

Planned design is below. This will also be included in the PR with up-to-date references to the code.


This document is about implementing timed games where each player has a certain amount of time available to move, and running out of time results in a loss.




Worker Task

There will be a task in the backend task that atomically and idempotently terminates a game if it is still in progress and the time is up for the player that has the move. This function will be called in a few places to ensure that

  1. Data state is consistent
  2. Data state is updated in a timely manner.

As a baseline, the existing time control will be checked with each move attempt, and the game will be terminated if the move was too late.

However, we also need to run this task even without a prompt from any clients. For this, there are two options available:

Option A: Enqueue a task for every move

In this option, a task to terminate the game if a players time is up would be enqueued after every move with a delay of the remaining time. With this setup, if no other moves happen, the time will be up when the task will due and it will correctly terminate the game.

It might also be possible to store a reference to the previous task enqueued with this option and cancel it on the receipt of a new move to reduce the load on the workers.


Option B: Periodic Clean-up Task

In this option, a task runs periodically (every 1-3 seconds), checks all the games, and terminates any that ran out of time.


Chosen Implementation

Option A will be implemented as the primary method of cleaning up tasks. Option B will be ran with a longer delay (~10-15 seconds) to catch any games that might have leaked from the data store.


Time will count down in the client using a local countdown. This countdown will calculate the remaining time using the timestamp delivered by the server. This will prevent the error in the countdown from growing (compared to a naive implementation that counts up using the delay for the interval every interval).

Technical Details

All timestamps related to this feature will be stored in the UTC timezone since we are only concerned with differences between different timestamps.

enjoythecode commented 2 years ago


Option C

Option A and B are "push" models, where the server handles the scheduling of the event. In contrast, a "pull" model is possible where the client requests an execution of the "terminate-game-if-time-is-over" task when it has detected that time is up for one of the players.

This has better response time because the task is run when relevant, and not at other times. There are edge cases where both clients may fail to push a request, so, this approach will be complemented with a periodic sweep (Option B). This is what AWS calls "anti-entropy sweepers". This sweep can be significantly less frequent since it handles edge cases where the players are not available, and therefore the termination of the game need not be prompt for UX.

It is especially important that this task be idompotent, atomic, and use proper resource locking, because both clients might fire the request in very short succession and this could lead to a race condition! Also, to prevent the burst, only the clients who are playing in the game should send requests (observers should not).


I will be using this approach for the implementation.