enkelmedia / TheDashboard

Magic dashboard for Umbraco
MIT License
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TheDashboard not loading on Umbraco 7.6.7 #31

Closed blachawk closed 6 years ago

blachawk commented 6 years ago

I have a fresh instance of Umbraco 7.6.7 installed. I installed TheDashboard via Nuget Install-Package Our.Umbraco.TheDashboard -Version 1.2.0

The installation reports as successful. But when I go back into Umbraco BackOffice and visit the content section, there is no dashboard tab.

Am I missing something?

enkelmedia commented 6 years ago


Did you have your permissions correctly set up? The installer need to write to /config/dashboard.config

Any errors or so? Does the tab show up at all?

TwoMoreThings commented 6 years ago

In recent versions of Umbraco the dashboard .config file is not updated on install. You can manually add this to the dashboard.config file to get TheDashboard to show

content /app_plugins/TheDashboard/TheDashboard.html
enkelmedia commented 6 years ago

@tom-d8 How do you mean with "recent versions of Umbraco"? Did something change in the core?

TwoMoreThings commented 6 years ago

I assumed the exact structure of the dashboard.config file changed and that wasn't handled properly by this package, so it failed to write the necessary section. I think it happened around 6 months ago.

Of course I could be totally wrong here as I didn't investigate at the time (my bad!), but manually adding the necessary section fixed it. We start each new project from a vanilla install we have so we only had to so the manually once.

regards t

enkelmedia commented 6 years ago

@tom-d8 Okey I see - I have not noticed if the structure has changed - I'll check. Are you sure that you had the permissions settings right during this install? 9 out of 10 times this is the issue, that the installer don't have the right permissions to the folder.

Did you install using nuget or using the package installer in the backoffice?

TwoMoreThings commented 6 years ago

Installed via Nuget.

I'm pretty sure the permissions are okay, they're standard settings we've been using for 10 years.

The Examine Management packages seems to install itself okay into the dashboard, but I'll double check both these packages in a clean install and let you know what happens

regards t

TwoMoreThings commented 6 years ago

in a fresh install of 7.8, I installed TheDashboard but it didn't update dashboard.config. I then installed Examine Management and it did update dashboard.config. Both were installed via nuget


TwoMoreThings commented 6 years ago

p.s. I also installed the latest Nexu and it also updated dashboard.config t

enkelmedia commented 6 years ago

@tom-d8 Thanks for trying again - I'll have a look to see if there is something missing around this.

enkelmedia commented 6 years ago

Hi! Turns out that there where no transformations for the nuget-package install. I've added this to v1.3. Hope this works now =D Thanks for reporting the issue!