enkelmedia / TheDashboard

Magic dashboard for Umbraco
MIT License
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File count is not output correctly in targets file #71

Closed drbldgtl closed 3 years ago

drbldgtl commented 3 years ago

File count is not output correctly in this line: https://github.com/enkelmedia/TheDashboard/blob/9409837b12bd2e7a076ad5bca9b074395025fb19/Our.Umbraco.TheDashboard/build/Our.Umbraco.TheDashboard.targets#L11

Instead of outputting the number of files, it outputs the following: Copying Our.Umbraco.TheDashboard files: C:\Users\XXXX\.nuget\packages\our.umbraco.thedashboard\9.0.0\buildTransitive\..\App_Plugins\Our.Umbraco.TheDashboard\**\*.* - #@(Our.Umbraco.TheDashboardContentFiles->Count()) files

enkelmedia commented 3 years ago


Thanks, this is just the message during the build right? Is this causing any issues for you?