enkessler / cuke_linter

A linting tool for Cucumber
MIT License
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New scenario with bad name linter #9

Closed PuZZleDucK closed 4 years ago

PuZZleDucK commented 4 years ago

This is a linter towards #8 'More Linters'.

Adding a "scenario with bad name" linter from GherkinLint.

I modified the message displayed a bit for clarity so it would be clear to users how to fix the error.

PuZZleDucK commented 4 years ago

oops... made a mistake in the cucumber tests :o ... how embarrassing. Not quite sure what I've done wrong yet. I was thinking maybe we could add instructions about running the cucumber test suite in the CONTRIBUTING.md docs... I didn't realize a test was failing until appveyor failed.

enkessler commented 4 years ago

I was thinking maybe we could add instructions about running the cucumber test suite in the CONTRIBUTING.md docs...


"After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bundle exec rake cuke_linter:test_everything to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment."

It was under the more general 'development' section rather than the 'contributing' section.

oops... made a mistake in the cucumber tests :o ... how embarrassing.

No worries. It's your first time contributing to a new project. It'd be more surprising if nothing was wrong. In any case, thanks for choosing to help out in the first place! :)

Not quite sure what I've done wrong yet.

The test failure that I am seeing in CI appears to be because your example test does not actually have a bad name. It has no name at all, which will not trigger the linter.

enkessler commented 4 years ago

Almost forgot (also from CONTRIBUTING.md):

Create your feature branch (off of the development branch) git checkout -b my-new-feature dev

It looks like you branched from master instead of dev. Please base changes off of the development branch.

PuZZleDucK commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback Eric, looks like I had more than just one little thing wrong, I think I was rushing it.

Branching from the wrong base is the straw that breaks the camels back on this one. Let me start from scratch and submit a new PR when that is ready.