enkimute / ganja.js

:triangular_ruler: Javascript Geometric Algebra Generator for Javascript, c++, c#, rust, python. (with operator overloading and algebraic literals) -
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Ace editor error line is off target #112

Open kungfooman opened 3 years ago

kungfooman commented 3 years ago

I just realized why the error line numbers are wrong:


Seems like empty lines are just skipped in JS/inline parser

kungfooman commented 3 years ago

Creating a regex seems to fix this for me:


tokens = [/^[\s\uFFFF]|^[\u000A\u000D\u2028\u2029]|^\/\/[^\n]*\n|^\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//g,                 // 0: whitespace/comments
          /^\"\"|^\'\'|^\".*?[^\\]\"|^\'.*?[^\\]\'|^\`[\s\S]*?[^\\]\`/g,                                                                // 1: literal strings
          /^\d+[.]{0,1}\d*[ei][\+\-_]{0,1}\d*|^\.\d+[ei][\+\-_]{0,1}\d*|^e_\d*/g,                                                       // 2: literal numbers in scientific notation (with small hack for i and e_ asciimath)
          /^\d+[.]{0,1}\d*[E][+-]{0,1}\d*|^\.\d+[E][+-]{0,1}\d*|^0x\d+|^\d+[.]{0,1}\d*|^\.\d+|^\(\/.*[^\\]\/\)/g,                       // 3: literal hex, nonsci numbers and regex (surround regex with extra brackets!)
          /^(\.Normalized|\.Length|\.\.\.|>>>=|===|!==|>>>|<<=|>>=|=>|\|\||[<>\+\-\*%&|^\/!\=]=|\*\*|\+\+|\-\-|<<|>>|\&\&|\^\^|^[{}()\[\];.,<>\+\-\*%|&^!~?:=\/]{1})/g,   // 4: punctuator
          /^[$_\p{L}][$_\p{L}\p{Mn}\p{Mc}\p{Nd}\p{Pc}\u200C\u200D]*/gu,                                                                 // 5: identifier
          /\s+/g // empty lines

(last line)