enkimute / ganja.js

:triangular_ruler: Javascript Geometric Algebra Generator for Javascript, c++, c#, rust, python. (with operator overloading and algebraic literals) -
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pga_dyn.html example is broken #144

Open riverbend305 opened 2 years ago

riverbend305 commented 2 years ago

The pga_dyn.html example hangs during execution. I think the 'UnDual' operator is not defined.

To duplicate the issue: Download ZIP cd ./ganja.js-master/examples open ./pga_dyn.html with Chrome Developer Tools

Deprecated as of 10.7.0. highlight(lang, code, ...args) has been deprecated. highlight.min.js:106 Deprecated as of 10.7.0. Please use highlight(code, options) instead. https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/issues/2277 ganja.js:464 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'call') at Function.Mul (ganja.js:464:48) at dS (eval at inline (ganja.js:1661:16), :23:22) at c.graph.lineWidth (eval at inline (ganja.js:1661:16), :30:64) at Function.graph (ganja.js:686:40) at eval (eval at inline (ganja.js:1661:16), :27:16) at Algebra (ganja.js:1738:54) at window.Algebra (coffeeshop.js:15:30) at pga_dyn.html:331:1

enkimute commented 2 years ago

This uses some private features that have not yet been released - I hope to get at that next week.