enkisoftware / imgui_markdown

Markdown for Dear ImGui
zlib License
1.03k stars 69 forks source link

math formula support #8

Closed huangatlas closed 3 years ago

huangatlas commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot ! imgui_markdown is exactly the library I am looking for. I have one question that whether it can support math formula input as the markdown extension does? Or any solution/advice for doing this?

dougbinks commented 4 years ago

No, this doesn't support math formula, it only supports very basic markdown as listed in the readme.

Adding math formula support would be very difficult, it would require not only a way to parse the math input but also a way to render the output using Dear ImGui. Whilst using a font with math symbols would allow for some simple expressions to look reasonable, supporting the full range of positioning would be hard.

If someone was interested in undertaking this, a possibility might be to fork a library like cLaTexMath to use Dear ImGui.