enkot / nuxt-open-fetch

Generate zero-overhead, typed OpenAPI clients for Nuxt.
MIT License
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indirect export not found: OpenFetchClient #25

Closed GreyXor closed 4 months ago

GreyXor commented 4 months ago

Hello, I've added the module to my nuxt.config.ts as well as to my devDependencies. I launch my project with nuxt dev. And this error appears in the browser console.

Uncaught SyntaxError: indirect export not found: OpenFetchClient [imports.mjs:27:56](virtual:nuxt:REDACTED/nuxt/imports.mjs)

export { createOpenFetch, openFetchRequestInterceptor, OpenFetchClient, OpenFetchOptions } from 'REDACTED/node_modules/.pnpm/nuxt-open-fetch@0.5.0_rollup@4.12.0/node_modules/nuxt-open-fetch/dist/runtime/fetch';

If I add an openapi spec and the configuration as indicated in the documentation, I get the same error message Did I miss something ? Thanks

enkot commented 4 months ago

Hi @GreyXor Can't reproduce, could you please make a repro? https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-sr3krw?file=app.vue

Note: type highlighting does not work in vue files on Stackblitz

GreyXor commented 4 months ago

Sorry, upon further investigation, it appears that this is not related to nuxt-open-fetch. Thanks