enlyth / sd-webui-riffusion

Riffusion extension for AUTOMATIC1111's SD Web UI
MIT License
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Riffusion uninstalled torch, breaking my normal stable diffusion installation, and then crashed. #23

Closed echo-lalia closed 1 year ago

echo-lalia commented 1 year ago

Hey! Just got everything back working for me again, but I'd like to describe what happened in case it can help others.

Basically, I installed this extension using the webUI install from URL functionality. When I did, and restarted, the Riffusion install script wanted to install Torchaudio, and to do so, uninstalled my normal version of torch, had a permission error (something like "could not access file: permission denied. (I think it was actually not an error with permission though)), and then closed SD. When I tried reopening Stable Diffusion, it gave me a ton of file not found errors, as well as an error that Torch was not installed, and closed.

I tried manually reinstalling Torch, Torchvision, and Torchaudio, but that did nothing. Then I used --reinstall-torch and SD was able to install them properly, but then I got some "torch not compiled with cuda enabled". Trying to force it to open and generate anything caused it to crash with some more file not found errors.

Finally, reinstalling xFormers using --reinstall-xformers fixed the problem entirely. Apparently xFormers needs to be compiled for each specific version of torch, and will not work otherwise.

Not sure what caused the problem initially.

os-sos commented 1 year ago

I had the same thing. Thanks for the tip.